Chapter 7

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“We’ll go to the nearest mall. I’ll get you your ring” She plainly said

“I’m just kidding Karlie! Come on, let’s eat!” I pulled her on but before we reached the dining, a call interrupted us.

She glance at her phone to check “Oh it’s Josh” She said before flashing a giddy smile “For a while Taylor”

She lets go of my hand before making her way back at the kitchen. My kitchen and dining are connected making me see the expressions of her face. She was so happy, the person on the other line are saying stuffs that makes her giggle from time to time. And just before she ends the call, a pink tinge developed on her cheeks.

That guy sure makes her happy

I sigh and focuses on my food. But funny how in a snap, I loose my appetite. Maybe it was because of the scenery I witnessed earlier.

“Did my future spouse wait for me?” she walked at my back then sits oppositely next to me.

I flashed a fake smile at her “I loose my appetite, maybe because of the sweets I consumed earlier” I lied which she believes “So, how’s your boyfriend”

“He’s good” She casually said. “He’s asking about my trip and I told him I land here safely. I’ll be attending some Pre-Oscars party since he can’t make it” She added

I nod slowly as I watched her finishes her foods.


Midnight, after I showed Karlie her room, I took a quick shower before going to bed. I carry Meredith with me as I lay down. I tried to close my eyes but the emptiness of my bed bothers me. I always sleeps alone with my bed but today is a whole new different story. Upon knowing Karlie’s just a wall away, I know she’s the one missing in my bed.

I sit up and switch on the lamp next to me. I took the pen and paper I kept for my thoughts. I tried to write something but not a word is popping into my head.

A couple of hours passed my way but not a hint of sleepiness get into my system. I carefully exited my room, trying not to wake Mere.

I passed on Karlie’s room and saw a light in between the spaces of the door and the floor. I quietly knocked. “Karlie?”

I started hearing footsteps rushing into the door “Hey…” She greeted before scanning me from head to toe “You cute in your pajamas”

“Th—thank you” I startled “I saw your lights are on so I thought you’re awake. Did I wake you up?”

“No, not really. I can’t actually sleep” she informed me.

“I can’t too…” I answered

“Would you like to have a tea or milk?” She asked

“Sure, let’s go downstairs” I said

But before I lead myself to the kitchen, she stopped me. “Why don’t we try a midnight drive?”

Her statement surprised me “Karlie, we’re in LA! Are out of your mind?”

She laughed before pulling me into a flirty hug “Do you trust me?”

Her green eyes met mine. I don’t even know why but her arms, her eyes, they seems to be my safe ground. It feels like no one can hurt me physically or emotionally.  I unconsciously wrapped my arms around her neck “I do…”

Our faces are inches away. I can feel her breathe, her heart, her body. “Can I borrow some clothes?” I tried not to laugh at her statement but I fail bursting out a loud one. She quickly collapses from the hug and frown. “What? I didn’t bring my closet so I only have three pieces of clothing with me.”

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