Chapter 16

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I dialed my record label's number to inform him about the plans I have on my head "Hey Scott"

"Finally found your place?" He asked

"Well... I'm actually thinking.... I don't want to move out anymore" I informed him. I pause for a moment. Should I tell him about my plans? Should I tell him that I want Karlie to live here in my house?

Few years back then, they wanted me to drop Emily, the first girl I loved. Those are the times wherein my career were just starting to take off so I got to choose. Emily or my career.

I never thought of dropping Emily for my career, but I did. Given the fact that I'm a country artist, being a lesbian wouldn't be that acceptable due to our conservative culture.

And even if I'm excelling in my line of business, the thoughts of Emily is still haunting me. Sure, I'm a happy successful artist but my heart wasn't. So I won't let history repeat itself; I'll do whatever it takes to keep this, whatever Karlie and I have, strong and unbreakable.

"I'm glad to hear that. So... is that all your reason for calling me?"

"Scott" I took a deep breath "I want her to move in with me"

"Her?" he queried

"Karlie" I started "My girlfriend. I want her here. Here in my place, here in my home" I bravely spat out

Scott paused for a moment. I bet he's rubbing his chin, trying to get into the right words and decision "Honey, do you realize how this decision of yours can affect your career?"

"Scott, when you told me to drop Emily, I did. And I regret doing that every fucking seconds of my life" I furiously said "I know it was all for me but this time, I want you to listen to me Scott. I want—no, I love Karlie with all of my heart and I won't let no one, not even you ruin what we do have" I firmly said

I can hear how Scott was surprised with my statements "Taylor, I got that. I'm glad that you're a woman now, making decisions for yourself. But do you understand the consequences of your actions?"

I stopped for a minute. Okay, Scott was right; I didn't think about any consequences "What do you have in mind?"

"Honey, did you ever think about how big your name is in this industry? How the media and even your fans will react on this?" I stopped for a minute. I have totally forgotten that I am a public figure "I'm totally fine if you want to do this; if you two wished to live in the same roof, fine. But can you handle the pressure? Can she handle the pressure?"

I halt for a moment. In fact, everything that Scott's stating is true. I didn't even know if Karlie will be fine on this kind of settings. How can she manage being papped 24/7? How will she react on the cameras that will follow her every time she will leave the house?

"What are you suggesting?"

My label owner clear his throat before shooting up his plans "We first need to hire you a publicist..."

"But I already have one!" I reminded her

"We need a better one" He answered "You need to have a better publicist who can lay out plans for the two of you; to protect the both of you"

I rest for a moment to think. A new publicist isn't bad. At least they are not trying to break us apart. "Okay" I gave in

"Great! So you just need to talk to her for now. Tell her you need to get a new publicist that's why you need to postpone your live in plans for a moment"

Then it hits me. I haven't talked to Karlie about this plans yet so after agreeing on Scott's suggestion, I hang up to call my sunshine. Few rings had passed and the loveliest voice I ever hear answered the phone

"Hey babe"

"Hey there sunshine" I grinned against my phone "Are you at work?"

"Yeah but I took ten. So what's up?"

I'm actually thinking if I need to break in the moving in part first or the publicist. "Babe... what do you say if I ask you to live here in LA, live here with me?"

I can hear her gasped as she was surprised on what I brought up. "It's fine" She answered "But you know babe, you don't need to—uhm—it's not necessary" she added

"I—uhm—I'm just curious but it's fine" I tried to fake a laugh and hide the disappointment

"So far, we're not officially dating, remember?" She joked "But babe, you know I can't leave New York. My parent's move in here just to be with me. Also my business and work are here as well." She frowned.

"It's fine babe. It's nothing... I just—hey, look! Guess you're break is over. Go back to work."

"Babe... we can always see each other, every off! I also do have vacations so I can spend it with you" She said "Taylor, I love you and I so want to be with you. Your idea is totally romantic and I so want it. It's just that I can't leave New York."

I closed my eyes and savor her sweet words "I love you more"

"Hey! Come on babe... Stop frowning" She said. How did she know? This girl really has the other half of my heart "If you really want us to live in together, we can just—you can just move in here in New York. Live here—in my house. I don't know if that will be possible because you're 'THE' Taylor Swift but yeah... I love you"

"I'm—I don't know Karlie. I—I'll call you later."

"I love you so much Taylor" Was her last words before I end the call.


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