Chapter 11

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"Are you okay?" I asked Karlie.

She haven't speak any single word ever since we got into the car.  We're heading back to my home with Jimmy as our driver.

"I'm fine" She lets out a small smile. She's been holding my hands while my head rest on her shoulders.

We checked out from the hotel earlier than we expected. Unlike any other days, this day horrifies me the most. Early this morning, Karlie woke up first. It's not that she is the one who sleeps deeper, but every time she's up, she will wake me up too.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw her fixing our things. She bitterly smiled at me and greeted me "Morning"

On our way home, we stopped at some local café for breakfast. But instead of getting it by ourselves, Karlie suggested that we just ask the security to get us breakfast instead.

I don't want to think that what happened last night is the reason why she's been acting so weird. She doesn't seem distant from me, it's just that she doesn't seem to have energy for the whole day.

I tried creating topics but she will just briefly answer and won't talk that much.

"Taylor, hold up" She said removing my head from her shoulders. "Just lean against the glass" She suggested.

Hurt, but I did what she want me to do. As soon as I lean on the sides of my car, Karlie rested on my shoulders. I stare at her and cupped her face.

She took my hands and kissed it before closing her eyes to sleep.


I broke my heart when we reached home. I don't know why but I feel like something terrible is waiting for us, for me. I just wish we don't need to go back. But I'm too coward to drop everything I have.

"Hey Mere" I greeted my cat "Did you miss mommy?" I brush her fur and lifted her up.

Karlie went upstairs without any word. Mere and I just watched her as she painfully drag her feet.

Just to divert my thoughts from this lady, I browse into my social media account. I just can't stop smiling from the tweet of my fans who are looking for me. So to answer their question, I posted some of me and Karlie's picture. My goal to divert my head off to this lady miserably failed.

I noticed that Karlie spend too much time upstairs. Thinking maybe she needs some hand, I went to her room and was surprised; she's packing up her bags and stuffs.

"Hey" I called her

"Hey" She answered

"Where are you going?" I asked her as I drag myself closer to her.

"Going home." She answered. "Uhm—Josh sent me my tickets so I'm going back to New York. Tonight" She answered

Right her boyfriend. She's going back home to her boyfriend. I swallow my heart down and cleared my throat "Do you need help?"

"No, I'm actually done" She answered. I nod and walked out to her room but she called me "Taylor"

I turned around to face her "Yes Karlie?" I asked her

"Your—your shirt" She looked away, handing me my 'Genius' sweatshirt which she also wore yesterday, before we make love.

"Yeah right. Thanks" I took it.

After keeping my shirt back into my room, I rest myself again on the couch. Did I do something wrong? What if she doesn't want to be my friend anymore and she wants to walk out of my life? Can I take it?

Why did I never think about last night, before indulging myself to that pleasure that will make me suffer for the long run? But one thing is for sure, Karlie and I need to talk about this; we need to talk about what happened last night and how will it affect our relationship.

A tear almost escaped my eyes when I heard footsteps on my stairs. It was Karlie and her bags.

"I'll just call Jimmy to assist you with your bags" I stood up

"No need Taylor" She stopped me.

When she finally reach the ground where I stand, I called her "Karlie"

"Yes Taylor?" She asked still trying to avoid my gaze.

I walked closer to her and reached for her arm "We—we need to talk. The—what happened last night" I stutter

She just shook her head and tried to genuinely smile "We don't need to talk about it Tay. What happened last night is just an urgency—we both are just overwhelmed by the weather, the view. It doesn't mean anything"

My heart powdered down into pieces when I said "Right!"

"Nothing's change though. We're still friends—I mean best friend." She laughed "So I gotta get moving. I don't want to be late on my flight. I have business to do so hmm... I need to go"

"Text me when you land" I shyly requested

She nod and filled in the gap between us. She kissed my forehead and my eyes automatically shut to enjoy the moment that I don't know how long will last.

She then moved away and started to make small steps out of my house.

AN: Short update but I hope you like it. Also, I have publish the first chapter of the book that I was talking about so if you're interested in working out for this one with me, please do inform me. 

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