Chapter 12

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It's been three days since Karlie left L.A, since she left me. I helplessly stalk her on her social media accounts and she seems good; really good.

Every day, I'll try to reach unto her by calling her but I am always redirected to her voicemail. And now, I'll give it a try, again.

After few rings, I'm redirected again to her voicemail so like what I always do, I left a message "Hey Karlie, it's hmmm—this is Taylor. I just want to know how are you because it's been hmm—three days since you left LA and I haven't heard anything from you. I hope you're fine. Just... just please give me a call" I pleaded.

I don't know why but it cause a great pain in my chest. I feel my lungs are crumpled and I' having a hard time breathing.

I don't want to cry again. Maybe, Karlie is just busy. Maybe there are more important things she that she needs to do. I don't want to over think, not again.

But I can't help it. I dialed a number who might know where Karlie is "Hello Lily?"

"Hey girl! I love yours and Karlie's pic on instagram. So sweet" she flirtingly mocked

I laughed "Thanks"

"So tell me, are you both... you know, an exclusively dating?

I frowned as I answered "No"

"Maybe an item?"

"No. Lily, Karlie and I are just friends. Best friends." I corrected her.

Indeed, we are just best friends. Despite of what happened to that road trip, despite of all those confessions, affections, kisses and touches we shared, we're just best friends. I should know, she had cleared that one up previously.

"Oh. Alright" she mumbled "So what's up doll?"

Will I ask her? Should I ask her? Come on Taylor just ask her! "I—I just want to ask if you have a photo shoot for Victoria's Secret."

"Oh no, we don't why'd you ask?"

"Nothing. It's just hmmm—it's just—"

"Karlie" she ended the statement for me

"Yeah right. Karlie" I nod. "Lily, do you have a clue if she has a project or something?" I shyly asked

"Hmmm. I think she's free. Why, are you preparing some date with her?" she teased.

I laughed a bit "No no. it's just that..." I hesitated for a second "I'm—I haven't heard anything from her ever since she left LA and it—worries the hell of me."

"Oh" Lily paused for a while "Don't worry dear. If I get to talk to her soon, I'll tell her to ring you."

"Please do tell her that I'm worried." I told her. Apparently, Lily doesn't have a clue where Karlie is but who does?

"I would really want to help you Taylor but hmmm... have you tried calling Cara?"

"No I didn't." Right, I guess Cara can help me. "I guess I'll give her a call after this" I told her

"Aright doll. I'll check her agent about her schedule"

For the moment, I am relieve "Thank you Lily. It's so much appreciated"

I ended the call and dialed Cara's number. After a few ring, a familiar English accent answered me "Hello?"

"Hey Cara. This is... this is Taylor"

"Taylor! What's up mate? Saw the photos and you two look perfect."

"Yeah. I guess. Thanks. Hey hmmm— are you with Karlie right now?" I asked her

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