Chapter 8

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The sunshine streaks was plastered on my face waking me up. I slowly opened my eyes and moved my body off the bed only to be stopped by the arms that are wrapped around me.

I took a glance on the sleeping body next to me, it was Karlie. She spent most of her days here in LA with me, in my home. We'll prepare breakfast together before she head back to her hotel for business and before I knew it was afternoon, she'll be back. I'll make our dinner and we'll watch some random shows. By the night, we'll share the same bed, cuddling each other before sleeping.

It's been our routine for a couple of weeks. She would refer to it as a husband-wife routine wherein I'm the housewife and she's my hard working husband. The idea itself is funny. I could say that she's the only friend of mine who can joke about this kind of things around me. Well I guess that's what makes the best among my friends.

But are we just friend? All these things, all these actions, is this how the real best friends would act?

I quit thinking to check in the time, it's thirteen minutes after eight. And I know today is Saturday which means tonight is the Weinstein's Pre-Oscar party which Karlie and I will attend.

"Karlie... Kar, wake up" I slightly poke her face.

The lady sleeping next to me groaned before answering "It's too early, go back to sleep babe" She said as she wrapped her arms around me and pull me closer.

"Karls, it's past eight. Also Weinstein's party is tonight so we need to prepare" I mumbled against her soft skin. I am now facing her chest. "I'll go prepare breakfast"

She looked at me before asking "When did I let you prepare breakfast alone?" I shook my head as a respond then she break the eye contact we have to rest her chin on my head "Nope, never right? So just give us fifteen more minutes and we'll go down"

We lay down for the next fifteen minutes. I rest my head on her chest while she wrapped her long warm arms around me. Then her phone rings, breaking the close physical contact we have. She reached on her phone to check the caller ID "Good morning to you too, babe" She giggled.

I knew who it was, with the smile that are registered on her face, I know it's her boyfriend. I removed myself from the bed and felt a pinch of guiltiness. Without a word, I made my way out and head to the kitchen

I made two coffee for the both of us and just when I was mixing up the ingredients for the pancake, I heard her footsteps approaching in my direction.

"Morning" I greeted her without facing her. "Your coffee is on the table. Give me five and the pancakes will be ready" I informed her. I didn't hear her respond. I turned around and found her sitting on a stool in my counters but be preoccupied to whoever she was texting with. "Karlie?" I called her attention

"Oh yes babe. Sorry, it's uhm-it's Gigi" She said waving her phone.

"Gigi who?" I asked. I quickly turned around to hide away the frown.

"She's also a model. I met her on the New York fashion week and now we're friends" She answered. "She asked me if I can pick her up later for the party tonight since it's her first time"

I focus on mixing the ingredients before speaking up "That's great. I guess you'll make a great chauffeur" I tried to joke.

I can hear her small laughs which means I have successfully hide the bitterness I felt. I can hear the stool moved and with a snap, she's now standing at my back, placing her chin above my shoulders while embracing me "Yup. So for today, I'll go back to my hotel, dress up, get Gigi before heading back here to pick you up so the three of us can be at the party together" She proposed.

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