Percabeth Wedding🌊❤📚💍

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I've seen a lot of stuff abt Percabeth wedding and i gotta say something.

Everyone is always saying that they'll have like a really big wedding and invite the two camps and the gods and etc. That's wrong, this is Percy and Annabeth we're talking abt, they would just randomly one day go to Vegas and get married and the only person who knows is Grover cuz Percy can't hide anything from him. But then once every is married they're all at dinner or something and Jason asks "So when are you two gonna get married" and then Percy just shrugs and says "We've been married for years" total deadpan with a straight face and everyone's completely confused and Grover's laughing his ass off in the corner. Plus the thing where Percy and Annabeth wouldn't get married just to piss off Hera is stupid. They'd get married and rub it in Hera's face that she can't ruin it

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