Chapter 2

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I walk off stage, adrenaline running through my veins. I get various high fives from backstage workers, before I walk to my dressing room. I walk in and instantly throw my heels off. Sighing, at the feel of my feet firmly on the ground. I change quickly into blue jeans, converse, and an oversized burgundy top. I grab a black zip up hoodie and make my way to the place I normally go when performing here.

I walk through the corridors as fast as possible craving the sight I long to see. I walk up a few flights of stairs finally reaching the roof door. Except it's open. I shrug it off and walk out onto the rooftop. The sky is clear tonight, the stars visible. I pull out my iPhone and try to take a picture of the stars. No luck. I wander to the edge, leaning on the railing. I look out onto London, taking in the busy atmosphere, and the bright lights. I love the city.

I stand there admiring the city for about 10 minutes, before I decide it's time to go in. I turn to walk back in when a sight catches my eye. I can just about make out the shadow of a man, about 3 metres away from me. I can tell from the mop of curls on his head that its Harry. Not wanting to intrude I start to walk away, hoping to go unnoticed. Except my phone gives me away, blaring out Sweet Disposition. I sigh and accept the call, not needing to know the caller ID.

'Hey mum.' I murmur.

'Hey baby.' We have a five minute conversation, discussing Madison Square Garden, and tonights performance until she breaks some sad news. 'Avery...'


'We can't make it to New York.' I instantly go cold, not from the wintery temperature but from the news.

'I had a feeling. Don't worry about it.' I say trying to swallow the lump in my throat. I walk back to the railing, staring out at the beautiful view again.

'I am so sorry. Your sisters are coming out though.'

'You're trusting Kathy to bring out Jasmine?'

'She is a year younger than you, and she'll be there only for a couple of days. She flies in on the Thursday night and leaves on the Saturday.' I agree, and we speak for a while longer. She hangs up the phone after the conversation, and I can't help but wipe a stray tear away. I sigh and turn my phone off, stuffing it in my pocket. I turn my back on the city and lean back on the railing. I should really go in. Can't be ill for New York.

'Are you OK?' I turn to Harry, having completely forgotten he was there. I nod, not being able to talk, due to the lump in my throat, constricting me to talk. 'No you're not.' He states. He comes closer and pulls me into a hug, rubbing my back, the same way I did to Nareesha. I wrap my arms around his waist, and lean my head on his chest. I don't even know him. We pull back, and look out onto the city. A distraction, I guess.

'It's beautiful isn't it?' He asks.

'It is.' I confirm. The silence isn't awkward, its peaceful, something I've wanted for quite a few weeks.

'I never knew you knew Siva and Nathan.' The venom obvious in his voice.

'Yeah I do.' I say bluntly. I know how much The Wanted and One Direction despise each other. 'I should get going. Things to do, people to see.' I turn and walk back into the studio, annoyed with both myself and Harry. Why did he even ask that?

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