Chapter 8

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‘New York city!’ I shout into the mic. ‘You have been wonderful tonight!’ I run to the front of the stage and bow, waving as I run off stage. I have my ear piece removed, and I’m free for the rest of the night. I walk down the corridor, stopping for conversations with other people, and taking the odd picture with the odd person. I walk into my dressing room and stop instantly.

‘What are you doing here?’ Harry is sitting on the sofa, elbows on his knees, head lowered, hands in hair.

‘We need to talk.’ He lifts his head. I walk over to the chair in front of the mirror, and he closes the door. ‘What happened with you and Taylor?’ I tense.

‘None of your business.’ I reply.

‘It is now.’ He says, firmly.

‘Taylor was a close friend of mine last year, and so was Damian Weaver. I was in love with Damian and Taylor knew it. At one point Taylor and Damian met, and they started dating. I let it go at first, until she started flashing him around, especially in front of me. I ignored them, until she broke up with him, leaving him heartbroken. That’s when she informed him that I broke them up because I was in love with him. I didn’t break them up, because I didn’t have the right to…’ I wipe away the tears, and swallow the lump in my throat. ‘He never spoke to me again, and she wrote a song about him, and I never spoke to her again.’ I look at Harry, his green eyes looking into my own, a look of concentration on his face. A knock on the door startles us. ‘Come in!’ I shout. Laura walks in, grinning.

‘I quit.’ She beams.

‘Why?’ I ask.

‘Because Taylor has offered me a better job and I took it.’ She smirks.

‘You’ve been spending a lot of time with Taylor recently.’ Harry muses. Laura nods, Harry has obviously silenced her. Everything fits into places.

‘You…’ I barely whisper. ‘You told the press that me and Harry were together.’ She nods, confirming my guess. ‘And then Taylor thought… She thought I liked him, so she then took him.’ Laura nods.

‘I guess history does repeat itself.’ She laughs. She picks up her box of supplies, and walks out leaving me with Harry. He stands and walks out leaving me to my thoughts. I stand, and start pacing, not knowing what else to do. Louis walks in smiling.

‘They’re over aren’t they?’ I nod, still pacing. Niall comes into the room also. He walks in front of me, stopping my pacing. He pulls me into a hug, and I return it.

‘She’s in her dressing room.’ He whispers. I pull back and smile, grabbing my leather jacket off the sofa. I walk out of the room, now in search of Taylors dressing room. After asking numerous people I find it. I lift my hand  up to knock but stop, hearing tears. I open the door, to see Taylor crying.

‘Why are you crying?’ I ask.

‘Because me and Harry are over.’

‘I’m not stupid. I know why you were with him.’ She looks up and laughs.

‘I thought you would figure it out.’ She muses.

‘Don’t… There was no need for what you did. The press were lying, and Harry doesn’t even like me like that.’

‘But you like him.’

‘No I-’ She cuts me off, one of the worst things to do. Ever.

‘I can see it though. The way you look at him. You care about him, you defended him, you’ve gone through all this trouble. I know you’re happy about us being over, but you need to promise me something.’ She stands and walks to me. ‘You can’t ignore him. He likes you, you like him. Go for it, woman.’ She smiles. I shake my head.

‘No, Taylor.’ I turn, and walk out of the dressing room, wanting to head back to my own. I can hear The Wanted singing their tunes, and I can’t help but nod my head, and quietly sing along. I turn the corner and find myself at a dead end. Harry is sitting, leaning against the wall, I walk towards him. ‘Harry?’ I ask. He looks up, and I see tears in his eyes. I sit next to him and hold his hand. ‘Are you OK?’ he shakes his head.

‘I’ve been used.’ I squeeze his hand slightly, and he lays down, lying his head in my lap. I play with his hair, while he sobs. I can’t help but feel as if this is my fault.

‘I’m sorry.’ I murmur.

‘For what?’

‘Getting you hurt. I never meant for it to happen. How can I make it up to you?’

He sits up and grins at me.

‘You can come to the after party thing me and the lads are having with our families. I was supposed to take Taylor but we all know how that turned out.’

‘Harry, I can’t be… I can’t be that kind of girl. I can’t be that rebound girl. I’m sorry.’ He nods.

‘I thought you’d say that.’ A wave of guilt hits me and I groan.

‘Fine-’ He pulls me into a bone crushing hug, and I fall onto him, straddling him. ‘I will go but I have a problem…’ He raises his brow. ‘Kathy and Jas?’ I say simply.

‘They were coming anyway. Didn’t you hear?’ We sit up and lean against the wall again. ‘Liam and Kathy…’

‘No. Way.’ I state. He nods, and I groan. ‘Does this mean-’

‘You will be most definitely be seeing more of me.’ He grins. I poke one of his dimples.

‘Stop being so smug.’ I laugh. 

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