Chapter 7

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‘I can’t believe I’m here Kathy.’ I smile.

‘I know, you’re finally performing after that shitty sound check earlier.’ She laughs. Jasmine is brushing through her dolls hair, being unsociable, I muse. I check my reflection one last time before I walk out of the changing room. I’m due on stage any moment now, so I think it’s time to go. I wave goodbye to Kathy and Jasmine, and make my way down the corridors. I stop when I hear shouting.

People are arguing about something… I straighten my red dress, and peek around the corner. I inaudibly gasp, at the sight. Siva and Harry are sizing each other up, Siva towering over Harry.

‘What have you said to her?’ Siva seethes.

‘I don’t even know what you’re talking about. Ain’t you the one shagging her?’ He smirks. Jay, Tom, Nath, Max, Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall are milling around, yet at the sound of shagging, the whole of The Wanted tense.

‘That’s funny.’ Siva laughs.

‘The way you look at her… I mean how close are you?’ Harry leers.

‘We’re only-‘

‘Friends.’ I pipe up. I turn the corner and walk into view, my head raised, hands on hips.

‘I went to Ireland on a holiday when I was 10, and that’s when I met the Kaneswaran family. We’ve been close ever since. His parents are friends with mine.’ Taylor walks past the corridor but stops.

‘Harry!’ She squeals. I groan, everyone now looking at me. ‘Problem?’ She flutters her eyelids, and grins a little too sweetly. I snicker at her.

‘Why don’t you just fuck off?’ I laugh. I throw my hands in the air, and start to walk away.

‘Damian never loved you.’ I turn sharply on my heels.

‘And how would you know?’ I cross my arms.

‘Oh, I don’t know because he picked me and not you.’ She grins.

‘Don’t…’ I whisper.

‘Oh but I will.’ She walks towards me and I look down at the ground, scuffing my black heels on the ground. ‘You’ve embarrassed me in front of my boyfriend, my new friends, and now I’m going to embarrass you.’  I look up, shocking her.

‘Don’t,’ I take a step forward, she takes one back, ‘you dare, go there Taylor.’

‘But I will.’ She smirks. I just about see her hand raise, before I take her wrist in my hands. I turn her and kick her in the back off the leg, making her fall to the ground. She looks up at me, the fear obvious. I crouch down to her level.

‘Don’t hurt him, or I will hurt you.’ I stand and walk away, ready to go on stage. It’s about time I stood up for myself. 

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