Chapter 13

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I climb out of the shower, and wrap a towel around myself, making my way out into my bedroom. Me and Harry are going to Kingsmen, quite a prestigious restaurant in North London, where both me and Harry live. Apparently we live 15 minutes apart, which in all isn't actually that bad. I pull out a long dip hem peach skirt, and a black bralet. These will go well with black t-bar heels and my black leather jacket. I put them on the bed, and get to work on my hair - drying it into loose waves down my back. I decide to go minimal on make up - just some concealer, and mascara. I pulll on my outfit, and shoes with five minutes to kill. I pull out my phone, and tweet:

@AveryJackson: What's everyone up to tonight? I'm going out! 

I post a picture of my outfit on Instagram, just as I get a knock on the door. I put my phone in my pocket of my jacket, along with some money, and make my to the door. I check I look ok in a mirror before I open the door. Harry is in a suit, without a tie, instead a couple of his top buttons done up. He pulls me to him, and kisses me on my lips. I check I have my key in my purse, before I close the door. Harry taking my hand, leading me out of the apartment block and into his Range Rover. He gets into his own seat just as I have put my seat belt on. 

'The paps are going to go nuts.' Harry grins, shaking his head. 

'Good or bad?' I ask, biting my lip. He puts his hand on my thigh, and turns to me.

'Good.' He grins. He starts up the car, taking his hand off my thigh, and starts driving away from my apartment block.

'Reservation for Styles.' Turns out the paparazzi had followed our car to the restaurant, so now we have quite a collection of photographers parked outside this place. The snobby looking waiter directs us to a small table in the back, with candles on the table. Harry pulls out my seat for me and I oblige, sitting down, and taking my jacket off, letting it stay on the back of my chair. Harry takes his seat, and a young pretty waitress walks over, and takes our drink orders. 

'So curly, how was your flight?' I smile. 

'Curly?' He smiles. I nod, resting my hands on the table, He takes this as an opportunity, taking one of my hands in his, kissing my knuckles. 'It was fine - you?' 

'I kept annoying my body guard Lewis, by singing everything I said with my guitar.' I laugh. 'He ended up falling asleep so I woke him up by pouring ice water on him.' 

'You're devious aren't you?' He teases. I nod, biting my lip. Our drinks arrive, so we check out the menu for food. 'I will have... the tacos please.' He grins. I shake my head, tacos in a restaurant as posh as this one?

'Erm... the lasagna please with wedges.' I hand the lady back her menu, and she scurries away, putting our order into place. 

'So what do you do in your spare time?' Harry asks. 

'I do what ever I feel like doing. Before I left for New York at midnight I couldn't sleep so me I ended up drawing.' I say.

'You draw?' I nod, taking a sip of my martini lemonade. 'Will you draw me?' He smiles. 

'You want me to draw you?' He nods, drinking some of his coke. 

'Maybe.' I say. 

'Maybe? What am I going to have to do?' He winks. I bite my lip thinking of all the things I could make him do for me. Our meals turn up and we eat in silence, the odd appreciation of how good the food is. We finish and the waitress - Daisy - asks if we would like desert. We both order ice cream, and while we wait we talk again. 

'How long you been friends with El?' Harry asks. 

'About a year or two.' I say. 'We met each other in Cheshire, when I was visiting my Uncle.' Harrys eyes instantly light up.

'You have family in Cheshire?' I nod. 'I'm from Cheshire. I'm from Holmeschapel.' He grins. 'What are you doing for New Year?' 

'My family are going Chesire.' I laugh. Our ice cream turns up moments later, and we dive in instantly. We finish, and the bill turns up, a few seconds later. He puts his credit card on the little tray, his eyes not leaving mine once. 

'We will not be having this argument.' He says firmly, a smile tugging on his lips. I shake my head, and put my jacket on. 

'Wasn't going to argue at all.' I lie. 

'Liar.' He pays, and we make our way to the entrance. 'Heads up.' He laughs. We walk out to blinding flashes, and thankfully Harry knows where he is going otherwise by now we would be lost. He pulls me through the crowds, gripping onto my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze now and again. He holds out my car door smirking, and I kiss him on the cheek, before I get into the vehicle. He gets in on his side, and does his seat belt, same for me. He starts the car and starts driving off, swerving the odd paparazzi. As soon as we're away from the crowd he laughs.

'It get's crazier every single time.' He muses. 

'Does it?' He nods, keeping his eye on the road. 'Thank you for tonight.' I say seriously. 

'The night isn't over yet, love.' At the word love my heart flutters. Maybe because of his accent, the word love sounds... Well you can't really describe it. 

'So now what?' I prod. 

'Patience.' He smiles. We drive for a while longer until we end up a considerably large house. It's in the Primrose Hill area, so you know this house was pretty damn expensive. He presses a button on his keys and the gate to this house opens. He drives through and parks his car in a garage, the gate closing behind us. 

'So this is where the infamous Harry Styles lives?' I smirk, he answers my question with a smile. He hops out the car, and I shake my head not quite believing it. Why would one person live in such a big house? He opens my door, and holds my hand as I get out. He locks the car, and opens a door in the garage with a key. I follow him inside his house. We're now in a hallway, quite a large hallway. He takes his shoes off and I do the same, instantly shrinking a few inches. I start to take my jacket off, and he helps me, placing a kiss on my bare shoulder. 

He puts his arms around my bare waist, tracing the waist band of my skirt. 

'Do you need anything?' He whispers in my ear. I turn in his arms, and run my hands up his chest, placing my hands behind his neck. 

'How about you finish what you started in New York before we were interrupted.' I suggest. He smirks, and takes my hand pulling me down the hall and up the stairs. 

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