Chapter 12

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I arrive at Heathrow, to flashing cameras and fans. I greet, answer some questions from reporters - a first, but with what's going on with the press I decided to clear some air. 

'What's going on with you and Harry?' Someone shouts to me.

'Absolutely nothing.' I reply. I answer about twenty questions before I'm whisked away by Lewis. My suitcases are thrown into the back of the car, and I hop into the front passenger seat.

'Why were you answering questions? You know what management said!' Lewis exclaims.

'Well management can kiss my ass.' I state.

I park my suitcases at the end of my bed. It's nice to be home. I walk to my wardrobe, and pull out my black onesie. I strip down to my underwear and pull it on, almost falling in the process. Just as I zip the garment up my phone blares 'Sweet Disposition'. Harry. I scoop my phone up, and press accept. Holding it to my ear all I hear is breathing.

'Harry?' I ask.

'Did you get back alright?' He says it sarcastically, making me feel guilty. 

'Yes, what's wrong?' He hangs the phone up and I throw it on the bed - screw you then. I walk out into the living room, turning the music channel on  before I walk through to my kitchen. I pour myself a glass of Sunny D and walk back into my living room. I sit down, singing along to 'When I was a Youngster'. I pick a magazine up off my little tea table and start flicking through, suddenly losing interest when the music news comes on. I put the magazine to the side of me, giving my full attention to the TV. 

The young woman is grinning, telling of some pretty boring news - until she starts talking about me and Harry.

'When Avery arrived back in England one of our reporters asked about Harry Styles of One Direction. Her reply was a vague 'nothing'. When we caught up with the Kiss You star, he said that they weren't even dating and their was nothing between them! When asked another question about their so called relationship, he responded with an angry 'she is nothing to me'. So Harry girls it seems he's on the market and in fact - there is no Havery!' I switch the TV off, fuming. I go back into my bedroom and pick up my phone, calling Harry immediately.

'What?' He sounds annoyed.

'I only said nothing because I didn't want the press involved! I wanted it to calm down-'

'So we are together?' His voice is softer now and it sure as hell calms me down.

'I don't know!' I exclaim. 

'What do you mean you don't know?' I sigh, and walk back into the living room. 

'I mean I don't know! I don't remember what happened that night at the Hudson Hotel - all that I slept in your arms. Then, in the morning we sure as hell were getting cosy. I just don't know.' 

'OK - well let me know when you can actually be bothered.' He hangs up on me again and this time I scream into one of my pillows.

I stop screaming after a while, because it seems stupid screaming into a pillow. Screw him - if he was going to be difficult, so be it. My phone rings and I pick it up. One look at the caller ID and I scream into the pillow once more. When I stop the phone is still ringing. I pick it up and press accept. 

'What?' I say bluntly.

'I'm sorry.' My heart melts at his saddened voice. 

'I'm sorry too.' I say sincerely.

'I mean at the end of the day you are a woman. All women are confusing and everything they say have double meanings and-' 

'You're digging a whole for yourself.' I cut him off, laughing.


'Yeah oh.' I laugh.

'Now what? Is Havery back on?' 

'Not you too!' I groan. 

'Yes me too - what are you doing now?' 

'Sitting on my sofa, in my onesie, but before you just called I was screaming into a pillow. Yolo.'

'Please don't say that.' He laughs. 'How about we go out to dinner?' Was he even back in England?

'Ain't you in America?'

'No we arrived in England right after you - we have a meeting tomorrow with Simon so we had to come back early.' 

'Dinner it is then!' I say, grinning. 

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