Chapter 11

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I trace a scratch in the table, my phone in my other hand. I look around the busy cafe, waiting to see her face again. She enters the building, head held high, searching for presumably me. Her eyes make contact with mine, and I look down back to tracing the scratch on the table. The chair in front of me is pulled back and Taylor sits down smiling. 

'If someone were to tell me that I would be having lunch with Avery Jackson I would laugh in their face.' I make eye contact with her and shake my head.

'Not funny.' I state.

'So what's up?' I explain the situation me and Harry are in, hoping for some kind of advice. I've only been with a few people before, so I have hardly any experience with the opposite gender. Taylor is a serial dater and I wouldn't be surprised if she wrote a book about every single thing a guy does, and what it means. 'It's your fault.' I shake my head.


'You left him. Then from what it sounds like, you brushed him off. So this is your fault.' I groan, putting my head into my hands. 'Accept some blame for once in your life. Sometimes it's good for you.' I look up at Taylor, her genuine smile, making me believe her even more. 'When are you leaving America?' I check my phone. 

'An hour.' I sigh. She shakes her head. 

'No time to fix your situation until you're both back in the UK. I'm sorry, but I have to go, I'm leaving for my own flight now. Back to LA for some writing, and recording.' I nod, and let her walk away. My phone blares, Kiss You, and I answer it. 

'What's up El?' I whisper down the receiver. 

'What's going on with you and Harry?' She asks.

'Nothing.' I reply.

'Nothing?' She's obviously not certain about my reply. 

'Nothing.' I state, firmly. 

'OK. Let me know when you're back in the UK?' She says it as a question.

'OK?' She hangs up the phone, and I text Siva my situation.

It sounds like your fault - S

Great advice Seev.

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