Chapter 16

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'Come on!' Harry undoes his seat belt, as do I. We get out the car and he locks the door. 'We'll get the suitcases later.' He says. I nod and follow him out the garage and to the front door. He turns to me and grins. 'Technically you have two presents...' He hands out a key to me. 'Would you like to move in with me?' I grin and take the key, wrapping my arms around his waist. 'Will you open the door for me?' I nod, and pull back using my new key to open the door. I open the door and take my shoes and coat off, putting my key in my pocket so I don't lose it. Harry does the same, but starts walking off, mumbling to himself. I follow him around until he peers into the dining room, and suddenly shuts the door turning to me. 'You know you're other Christmas present?' I nod, and he opens the door, stuffing his hands in his pockets. I walk in and look around, almost missing the little ball of fur in the corner. I walk over to the little made up bed, and pick up the black kitten. 'She's a little girl called Lala.' He sits next to me taking the little kitten in his own hands. I pull out my phone, and take a picture of him without him knowing. I post it on Instagram with the caption 'Welcome Lala'. 

'She's adorable.' I stroke the cat, playing with her long fur. 

'I'm glad you like her. I've always preferred cats to dogs.' He smiles.

'Same, dogs are always too damn loud.' I laugh. Lala escapes Harry and climbs into my lap, falling asleep instantly. 

'She loves you already.' He smirks. 

'Do you have to go out?' Harry begs, I nod laughing quietly.

'It's Tammys birthday.' Tammy is my cousin. I've always thought of her as an aunt though, because she's 22, and one of the family members I'm closest too. 

'Fine.' He pouts, leaning his head on the back of the couch. 

'I'm only going out for a few drinks.' I kiss his forehead. 'I will keep in touch, but not too in touch because I do have to pay attention.' I laugh, walking out into the hallway. I check my outfit; Gemmas wool dress she gave me, black heeled ankle boots, and my parka. My light blonde hair in a bun, and my make up minimum. 'I'm off!' I shout. I take my Cambridge satchel, and make my way out of the house, heading out into the street. I wait a few minutes before Cara picks me up. Her dark blonde hair straight and her jeans and jumper a lot warmer than my own. We pick up Tammy and her friend Lacey and make our way to Funky Buddha.

'I'm OK.' I reassure Cara. 

'No you're not.' She says. I try walking in a straight line, failing miserably.

'See, fine!' I giggle. She shakes her head, and walks away, trying to find Tammy probably. I order a bottle of Smirnoff Ice, completely devouring the beverage withing seconds. I check my phone - a text from Harry!

Harry: Are you OK?

Me: Oh, Harry I luv uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Harry: You're not OK are you?

Me: Peanut Butter fudge sticks lol

Cara comes back with one of Harrys friends - ED SHEERAN! That's the one. I put my arm around him.

'Ite Eddy?' I laugh. Cara kisses my cheek, and says goodbye. Goodbye? The night has just begun! Ed takes me away from the club, and starts walking me home. 

'Harry is going to kill you.' Ed laughs. 

'No he won't! He cannot tell me what to do!' I stop walking and cross my arms firmly over my chest. Ed starts laughing and I start walking, also laughing as we walk along the black streets. 

'Where are we going?' I ask.

'Well you, young lady are going back to where you came from.' He laughs.

'You're sending me to my mum?' I say seriously. 

'No, Harry.' Ed says. I try to walk in a straight line but fail miserably. We walk a while longer before we see someone with a camera. Shit! The paps! Ed directs me down an alley, Iwhere we walk a little longer before flashes start to follow us. Damn. 'We're going to have to go back to my place.' Ed murmurs. We end up at an apartment block, the flashes still on our trail. We walk up the stairs and into what must be his apartment. 'You can sleep in my bed, I will sleep on the couch.' I nod, and start walking down the hallway, until I find his room. I flop onto the bed, and fall asleep instantly. 

I wake up with a pounding headache - Harry! I sit up, and open my bag, searching for my phone. I pull it out and text Harry straight away, telling him I will be home straight away. I have numerous texts from him asking when I'll be home and if I'm OK. I stand and walk out of the room, Ed has left a note saying: 

Harry is worried, go home and talk to him - he seems really annoyed too. 

I walk out of the flat, calling a taxi on the way. I wait for the cab, and jump in as soon as it arrives. I give the sleazy man an address, and he speeds off, arriving at mine and Harrys 15 minutes later. I pay him, and scramble out of the car, needing to see Harry. I open the little door to the side of the gate with the key, then opening the front door of the house.

'Harry?' I shout. I walk upstairs and search through out those rooms until I look downstairs. I walk downstairs and into the living room to see Harry sitting down with his head in his hands. 'Harry?' I whisper. 

'How long has it been going on?' He says. His voice breaks my heart, and I reach out, placing my hand on his shoulder. He shrugs me off and stands. His eyes are red and puffy.

'Have you been crying?' I ask. He doesn't answer so I answer his question. 'How long has what been going on for?'

'You know full bloody well what I'm talking about!' His voice is getting louder, scaring me, intimidating me. He picks something up from the table and hands it to me. It's todays newspaper and a picture of me and Ed walking home is on it. Avery cheating on Styles? Is the headline, and one look at Harrys face says it all. 

'It isn't true!' I exclaim.

'How am I supposed to believe you?' He shouts. 

'Do you not trust me? I return. He shrugs his shoulders.

'Honestly? I don't know.' He says. I throw the newspaper at him, and throw him the key to the house as well. 

'Well, if you don't trust me-'


'Then I guess we're over.' I turn and walk out of the house, tears streaming down my face, ignoring his cries. I walk out into the garage, unlocking my red mini cooper, and jumping in straight away. I pull out of the garage, and speed out of the house grounds. If he can't trust me then so be it. Let him do what he likes. 

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