Chapter 14

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I wake up with my back to Harry, his arm around my waist, securing me to him. I feel him kiss the back of my head, then my neck, then my shoulder. 

'I know you're awake...' He says. I stay quiet, and he takes this as me ignoring him. 'Don't ignore me.' He tickles my waist, and I turn to lay on my back.

'I'm awake.' I confirm, making him chuckle. He props himself up on his elbow, as I admire him. His curls, tousled by last nights events, his smirk suggesting, his eyes a sparkling green. 

'You're staring.' I bite my lip, and run my fingers through my hair. He pulls me to him, no space between our mostly naked bodies. He kisses my forehead, then squeezes my backside. I squeal, making him grin even wider. 'Avery...'

'Harry...' He takes my bottom lip between his, and softly bites it. I quietly moan, and he kisses my mouth softly. I run my fingers through his hair, our kiss suddenly becoming more urgent, more rushed. He puts his hand on my thigh, squeezing it slightly then and again. Just as I think I'm going to get what I want he pulls away. He climbs out of bed, laughing and walk out of the room. I groan, and turn burying my face in a pillow. I hear a shower going moments later, and I take this as an opportunity. I walk out of his room, and follow the sound. I open a door slightly, and see the shower going, but no sign of Harry. Oh well, I need a shower anyway. I strip out of my underwear, and get into the shower. The warm water soothing my sore muscles. I wash my hair, and just as I'm finished, I feel the door open. I turn and look up at a smirking Harry. 

'You stole my shower.' He muses. 

'You left me.' I return. 

He pulls up to my block of flats and turns the car off, parking on the side of the road. I unbuckle my seat belt, and kiss him on his cheek. 

'Thank you for everything. I had a great time.' He traces my jaw with his finger before, he pecks my lips. I smile and climb out the car, walking to the flats. Before I make my way inside I turn, watching Harry drive off. I open the door, and trudge up the stairs. What to do now? I open my door, and throw my clutch on the little table to the side of the door. I take my jacket off, closing the front door with my foot. I kick off my shoes, and walk to my room. I change into a dark red jumper, jeans, and fluffy socks. I check my phone to see I have texts from Eleanor. 

Eleanor: What is going on with you and Harry?

Eleanor: You both told the press that you were nothing to him and vice versa!

Eleanor: Oh and then you go out to the Kingsmen!

Eleanor: What is going on?

Me: Ask him yourself x

Eleanor: No - me and you are going Westfield today. The guys have a meeting and I need to do some last minute Christmas shopping. 

Me: Fine. I will pick you up in half an hour. 

I put my Converse on, and pick up my Cambridge satchel, throwing in my purse, some lip gloss, a bottle of water, keys, and my phone. I pick up my parka, and a pop tart from the kitchen. Time to shop. 

'I told Louis that you and him were perfect for each other!' She squeals. I shake my head, looking at some graphic jumpers. I pick up a black one with 'POW!' on the front. 'I can't believe it...' I look at her face of delight. Wow. When I picked her up she wasn't even ready! I had to wait about 15 minutes to get changed. In the end she wore jeans, a burgundy sheer blouse, and some ankle boots. 

'OK, have you gotten over it yet?' I ask her. She shakes her head, her bun on the verge of becoming loose. I ask a sales assistant where to pay and she directs me to the tills. One floor up. I start walking with Eleanor, on my tail. 

'So, do you think you will spend Christmas with him?' I shrug my shoulders.

'Who knows?' I hope for this to be the end of the interrogation but she goes on, not stopping. I walk up the escalator, not wanting to stop, and answer a few more of Eleanors questions. I make a beeline straight for the tills and get in the long line. Eleanor soon catches up though, and takes this as a chance to ask even more questions. I ignore the first few but notice that some of the people in the shop are paying close attention. 

'Not now.' I tell El, gesturing towards everyone. She nods, and I pay almost 20 minutes later. 

We shop for what seems like hours until Eleanor finally decides to have some lunch. You never get between Eleanor and her shopping, only do it if you have some kind of death wish. She settles on Nandos, and as soon as we arrive we're seated. We order drinks and food, and she starts questioning. 

'How long have you been together?'

'Good question. You know when they had the party?' She nods and I continue. 'Well Harry took me back to his hotel and in the morning we were pretty cosy. Then when I came back to England and they also came back, he asked me to dinner. So I guess last night?' I have a sip of my drink.

'How far have you gone?' I choke on my coke. 

'What?' I hiss.

'I knew it.' She smiles.


'Oh don't worry I won't tell but come on - that was fast.' I shake my head, not quite believing she asked that question. Her Blackberry goes off and she answers it, having a conversation with Louis. I check my Twitter, not much other than over a million questions on Havery. I end up texting Harry while Elounor are discussing Christmas. Our food arrives and all conversation stops while we eat our peri peri chicken. I drink some of my coke, and reply to Harry.

Harry: What are you doing for Christmas?

Me: Nothing, my family have decided to spend it in Turkey - I've booked my plane for them. 

Harry: How about you come with me to my families then?

Me: Really?

Harry: Really.

Me: Sure :D 

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