Chapter 32

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I wake up in the morning and the whole house was's not usual
Usually mona would be in the kitchen preparing breakfast and the smell of fresh bread and eggs would travel to my room. But this day something just feels empty.

I hear a door close from distant, it was probably Micheal.
Yesterday after coming back from the hospital As soon as my head hit the pillow I feel asleep.
I'm mentally and physically exhausted.

"Princess Daisy?" A knock then following mona's voice comes from behind my door.

"Come in" I sit up on my bed and rest my head on the head board.
Mona slowly opens my door and comes in with a tray of breakfast and juice.
She was holding the tray with one hand which always made me surprised how she could balance the weight of it out with one hand, especially when there's juice on the tray.

I move my head frantically to look at moan and the sharp pain of my headache from yesterday hits me again..when will this endless headache go!?

"I brang you some breakfast" I give her a small smile as she puts the tray on my lap.
"Thank you mona" she nods then leaves my room.
What would I ever do without her?

After finishing my breakfast I check my phone to look at the time and I realise all the messages from jax, but there was one that specifically made my eyes go was a message from gray.
I didn't hear any notifications cause I put my phone on do not disturb but i was confused on why he messaged me.

I know Gray knew about this whole engagement that's why he sent me the invitation with the necklace, he seemed sketchy and I know the only reason why he even sent me the invitation was because he knew it would make me sad and make jax angry.
They are brothers by blood but act like enemies.

I press on the message from gray curiousity kicked in.

Gray: 'hey'

Simple..but theres definitely a reason for why he's messaging me.

Me: 'hey'

I get a reply back so quick I'm thinking he was probably staring at his phone for my reply.

Gray: 'long time no speak, you okay?'

Me: 'yeah...I'm good thanks, you?'

Me asking him 'you?' Is creating more conversation but if I don't ask him it's going to count as me being rude..and if I do he's going to carry on speaking, either way I get thrown under the fire.

Gray: 'im good'

He replied more dry than I expected..I would of expected him to ask if i went to the engagement or not but apparently not.
I don't message him back since I don't need to, he kind of ended the conversation anyway.

I put my phone down on my desk next to my bed and I dig into my breakfast, my stomach was growling at the smell and taste of the bacon before it even hit my stomach.

My phone goes off once again and I expect it to be jax but when I check it was gray again.

Gray: 'is Micheal okay?'

Me: 'he's okay, good as before'

My fingers felt numb to even text, i saw the icon that he was I decided to look at jax's messages.
I know that looking at the messages jax sent me is either going to break me or make me want to throw my phone to the wall.

1 day ago - 11am
Jax: 'hey baby, tonight don't forget to get ready cause After this event I'm taking you somewhere and we will speak about everything, ok'

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