Chapter 54

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Daisy's POV:

I press the cotton ball on Jordan's lip, he hisses at the pain making me squint as if I can feel the sting.
My heart is torn. I'm the reason he's like this right now.
I try to keep my emotions in but I can't. Tears roll down my cheeks and I look down at the floor.
'I am so sorry Jordan, I didn't mean any of this to happen' I say with a hiccup.
Jordan's hands cup my face and bring it up to face him.
He wipes my tears with his thumb and smiles at me.
How could one person comfort and smile even after being beaten to the point of bleeding because of me?

'Listen to me bella, non of this was your doing'
'But it wouldn't of happened if it wasn't for me' I say my eyes watering the more I speak.
My emotions sting in my throat, the pain of trying to keep everything in is torturous.
'Nothing happened sweetheart. I am alright'
He places a kiss on my forehead and I hug him tight never wanting to let him go.
'So your my whore now?' He says, I pull away from the hug and frown.
'Don't joke about that!' I say giving a small chuckle through my tears.
'Fine fine I won't' he says with a small laugh
A few seconds of silence goes between us..
'But I wouldn't mind if you were'
'Jordan!' I slap his arm and he laughs out loud bringing me into his arms once again.
'Ok ok I'm sorry' his chest goes up and down from laughing which only makes me laugh with him.

A knock on the cabin door turns our attention away and we let go of each other.
'The door is open' I say and the door creaks open.
It was emi.
She comes inside slowly with guilt built up on her face and her fingers fiddling with eachother.
'Hey' she smiles at us, I look to Jordan and he blinks slowly at me with concern.
'I'm not here to cause any trouble, well not this time' she chuckles nervously making me smile.
'Are you okay?' I ask and she looks at me with apologetic eyes.
'I'm alright but I need to ask you, are you okay?'
I never thought in a million years that I'd have a decent conversation with emi like this before.
'I'm okay.' I say and she nods
'I came here to apologise for everything, I didn't think everything would all escalate this far'
'Neither did I to be honest, but it's not your fault'
'It may not be, but I've treated you horribly daisy and I'm so sorry for that'
I don't know why but something in me believes her apology is genuine.
I don't think emi was always the villain, I just think she was one in love girl that turned desperate for attention.
Which I understand.
'I forgive you emi' I say and look to Jordan, he was looking at me already with a gentle smile.
'I really appreciated you sticking up for me back then, I think that's when I came back to reality that you're not bad at all'
I laugh at her comment
'Thanks, you're not bad yourself I must say'
We both laugh awkwardly and she looks over to Jordan.
'Mum is going to kill you when we go back home'
'Oh well, at least it's a good story to tell' he shrugs.
'So what's up with you two huh?' Emi smirks at the both of us leaving me and Jordan to just sit side by side awkwardly.
'Nothing much really' I say
'What do you mean nothing much?! I see the way you guys are together' she blurts everything out.
'Emi' Jordan gives emi a warning look but I tap on his arm  'It's ok' I nod at him and he stops.
'I mean you went from jax to my brother! Jordan must be romantic because im surprised'
I laugh but something in me felt unsettled at jax's name being brought up.
His name just gives me so much bad vibes that I really don't need in my life anymore.
Good thing he's out of the picture for good. For now.
'Well you saw the way he acted a few hours ago I'm sure it's not that surprising'
'Fair point' she sighs
'Funny how you realise he's a piece of shit after he beat me down' jordan rolls his eyes
'Look. It's hard to explain it but I always tried to make up excuses for him, it's like I was possessed or something. But seeing him attack you like that was not cool and I don't fuck with that shit' emi explains
'Plus, the way he spoke to me earlier was more than I needed to know to just leave him be.'
'He always spoke to you like that' jordan shakes his head at emi
'Well yeah but when a girl you dislike sticks up for you, you see reality that maybe I'm the delusional' emi replies back.
'Glad you know' Jordan says sarcastically.
'Prick' emi mutters
'Are you going to leave any time soon or are you going to stand here watching me and daisy talk?'
'Just say you're horny bro'
'That's fucking weird, leave'
'Fine, but you two will be seeing a lot of me. Also daisy you're safe to come back to the cabin, I won't kill you'
'Thanks for letting me know' I say laughing
'You're welcome, anyway see ya guys'
'Bye!' I say. Emi steps out of the cabin leaving me and Jordan to be alone once again.
'You're going back to your cabin?'
'Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll be safe' i joke
'Not sure how safe you'll be with her chattering' he shakes his head
'Seems like you're giving me useless reasons to stay here' I smirk.
'Well it wouldn't be half bad if you did stay'
'And what exactly would your roommate think of me staying here?'
'He's not even staying in this room, he comes to get clothes then goes to stay at some other cabin'
'Aww poor you, all alone in this small cabin with no friends'
'You make me sound like a lonely emo' he frowns
'You are' I laugh
'Is that so?' He inches towards me and my smile slowly fades.
'I like your company, you should stay' he whispers before swiping his lips on mine.
I want to kiss him but with his cut on his lip I'm afraid that I'll hurt him.
'I wish I could but you know I can't' I press my forehead on his and close my eyes, savouring every moment we have together.
I place a small peck on his lip gently so that I don't hurt him or trigger his wounded lip.
'Does your lip hurt?' I ask after pulling away from the kiss
'You just made it feel way better' he winks at me
'You can be cringe sometimes' i chuckle
'Don't tell anyone I'm like this or I'll be bullied for life'
'Your secret is safe with me' I tap his shoulders in a sarcastic reassurance and we both break into a laugh.

Lately I've been laughing and smiling more, more than i expected after my breakup drama with jax.
But after today I'm ready to leave jax behind and move forward to a new beginning, I already know who I'll go into this new beginning with but I would hate to talk too soon and jinx anything in my life because before I did that a lot.

Me and Jordan go to dinner, this time not being late.
When we stand in the queue for our turn to be served we take a glimpse of the green beans, fish stew and mash mix  sitting together in a clump in one plate.
I look at Jordan and his face was so disgusted I tried not to laugh.
'That is a horrific sight' he says, his lips turning into a thin line.
'Fish stew' I read the menu standing straight on the glass counter.
'Who in their right mind decided to wakeup and serve fish fucking stew, this is military food'
A loud chortle comes out from my mouth but I cover my mouth before anything else slips out louder.
'I am not eating this' he continues
'Oh come on, I'm sure it's not that bad' I convince him but he is not convinced at all.
'First of all, fish is not my favourite and stew is definitely not my preferred meal, call me ungrateful but it doesn't even look like it has spice' the lady serving the food heard jax talking and frowns at him the whole time.
She puts stew on his plate with such force that I thought the food might spill out from the plate.
Jordan takes his plate and so do I and we go find a place to sit in the small cafeteria full of no one but just students from our college.

I spoon my stew and put it in my mouth, I mean what's the worst that can happen? I'm sure it tastes pretty good considering it looks like trash slime.
Jordan watches me with full anticipation as I put the stew in my mouth.
Instant regret.
Instant regret washes all over me, the stew is not good. Not good at all.
My mouth stops chewing and all I can do is let the stew rest in my mouth because I can't embarrass myself infront of Jordan or anyone else by spitting it out.
'You okay sweetheart' Jordan chuckles at the sight of my disgusted face.
I shake my head and cover my mouth, I think I'm going to throw up.
I push away from the table and rush to the nearest toilets by the cafeteria.
I struggle to get into one of the toilets before I could completely puke out that fish stew.

'Oh my god, are you okay?' A girls voice speaks to me outside the toilet door.
I cough 'I'm alright thanks'
I open the toilet door and sigh in relief that I took all the disgusting taste out my mouth, however I'm left with the other disgusting taste in my mouth: bile.
I go to the sink and wash my face hoping that I don't look pale or puffy when I face Jordan.
'Daisy?' I turn around to the same voice that I heard behind the toilet door that asked me if I was ok.
'Hi Stacey' I say rinsing my hand off.
'What happened to you? You looked fine minuets ago but now you're throwing up' she asks me and I sigh
'The cafeteria food is what happened'
'Gross, I don't eat from there. Luckily I brang my own camping food and kitchen items to cook inside my cabin'
'Lucky' I say and walk towards the door to leave
'But wait. You look pale lately anyway even back in London. Is everything alright?'
The conversation really isn't going well since she's telling me how I haven't been looking good at all lately.
'Yeah I'm alright thanks for asking' I smile at her and leave.
God everyone in college can be nosey.
I'm pretty sure everyone knows already how me and jax broke up but todays fight with Jordan and jax put gasoline on a already lit fire.
I'm never going to get out of this endless drama.

I go back to the cafeteria to where Jordan is sitting and his tray was no longer infront of him.
'Don't tell me you ate it' I say and he gives me a concerned look.
'You thought I would ever touch that?' He says and I shake my head in shame.
'God that was horrible, I knew it looked bad but I didn't want to judge it too quickly' I rub my temple.
'Good thing I judged it' he puts a hand over mine
'You alright though?' He asks and I nod
'Took every single thing I ate today out my stomach, now I'm left hungrier than ever' I joke
'Well it's not too late to go back the pub he winks at me
'Shall we?'
I nod and we stand up to go back to the homey pub that we went this morning.
Who knew I would be spending all of my time here on this trip with Jordan? Not me.
But something in that bus coming here changed a lot of things and it opened my mind to get to know him more, and I'm glad I am.

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