Angel Wings

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Castiel shut the door to his motel room, leaning against it for a moment, before pushing himself forwards and walking towards the bed. He took off his trench coat and undid his shirt and tie, tossing everything carelessly onto the bed. He sighed with relief as he stretched out his dying, broken, black angel wings. Approximately 30ft in length total, they touched the wall on each side of the room. It was hard to keep his wings tucked up behind his shoulder blades all the time. It was cramped and uncomfortable. He flapped his wings a couple of times to work out the soreness in them. As he did, he saw a few broken black feathers float to the ground. He frowned. The deterioration was getting worse. He picked up a feather and held it in his palm. It was dry and brittle, as if it could crumble into dust any second. They used to be so soft and beautiful... He stood there, remembering that day he denounced his faith to the angels. He had done it for Dean Winchester. And his brother Sam, of course. He could still vividly remember the exact moment he noticed his wings had changed. It had crushed him, but he accepted his fate in order to help Sam and Dean save the world. An angel's wings are invisible to humans, unless the angel chose to reveal them. More often than not Castiel kept them hidden. He was embarrassed, he didn't want them to see what they had become.
"Cas?" Dean said, amazed. Castiel whipped around, his wings knocking over a lamp and knocking a picture off the wall. He hadn't noticed the man knock or come in.
"D-Dean! H-how long have you been standing there?" Castiel frantically asked. He quickly rushed around, trying to pick up the things he knocked over, but inevitably creating a bigger mess, as his wings were still out. He quickly folded them against his back and started stammering apologies. Dean slowly walked towards him, like Cas would disappear if he moved too suddenly. "Are those your wings?" Dean asked, gesturing towards Castiel's back. Castiel nodded slightly, ashamed that Dean had seen his broken wings, the ultimate disgrace to an angel. "Can I see them?" Dean asked. Castiel hesitated. Angels never show humans their wings. Never. Especially if they're Fallen. Dean saw the hesitation in Castiel's eyes. "You don't have to. I was just-" Cas cut him off as Dean awkwardly rubbed his neck.
"I know. It's just...unsightly. It's considered a disgrace for a fallen angel to show their wings. But, I guess it doesn't matter anymore, considering." Castiel slowly unfurled his wings and gently, to not break anything, stretched them out to their full length. Dean was speechless. He'd never imagine seeing an angels wing with close. He intently looked everywhere, including the bare spots where his feathers had fallen out. Very few feathers still looked almost normal. He suddenly thought about the stories his mother would tell him of angels watching over him.
"They're beautiful," Dean whispered under his breath.
"Ha," Castiel scoffed. "They're pathetic. They don't compare to how an angels wings normally looked. They're exquisite. Here, let me show you." Before Dean could say anything, Castiel touched two fingers to the brown-haired man's forehead. An image of Castiel's wings appeared in Deans mind. It was breathtaking. Long, sleek, black feathers flowed along the fallen angels back and out the full length of his wings. They shimmered in the light and reflected a hint of deep purple and...something bright. Dean knew just by seeing them, that they were soft.
"I thought angel wings were supposed to be light colors?" Dean asked. Castiel flinched at the question. Then without thinking, Dean reached out and touched the feathers closest to him. Castiel sucked in a breath. An angel's wings were sensitive and dangerous. Nobody had ever touched his wings like this. In Heaven, when he was first created, he was teased because his wings were black- a rare and mysterious sight for an angel - and he used to get his wings whipped for it by the other angels. He was feared and hated because of it. Dean heard Castiel's gasp and recoiled his hand.
"Sorry," Dean said embarrassed. He had lost his trail of thought in awe, and let his body move on its own. Sure there were broken patches here and there. But they were still beautiful. Dean thought so at least. The boys stood there in awkward silence until Castiel spoke.
"I am the only angel in existence with black wings." Castiel looked at a feather still on the floor. "It's okay Dean. It actually felt...good." Castiel almost whispered the last bit, aiming it at the silence that filled the room.

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