Chapter Matt Smith

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A/n did you see what I did there?? 😏😏 okay continue

"Married? Y-you mean we're married?!" Dean pushed Castiel aside and threw the covers back. He threw his legs over the side of the bed. He looked at Castiel and then saw the gold band on his finger, then looked down to his own.

"We're really married? No, this can't be. What about Gadreel? Sam? Kevin? The bunker? What happened to all of that?" Castiel's face fell. "What? Cas...what happened?"

"Dean...that was years ago." Castiel looked defeated. "You don't remember again. Sam said it would be like this for a while but I just hoped..."

"S-Sam? Where is Sam? What Happened Cas?! Y-you H-hoped what?!" Dean started panicking.

"Dean. Dean baby calm down, okay? I'll explain everything but you have to calm down." Dean nodded as his breathing slowed to a normal rate. Cas sat down next to Dean on the bed.

"Gadreel came for me in the Motel room that night. I should have saw it coming...but I guess I was too frightened to see it clearly. He took me to an abandoned building ten miles from town where Megatron was waiting with this weird headpiece. They...they tortured me for hours before you came. I cried out to you through our link but I was weak so the connection was broken. You later told me that you...felt everything that happened. We fought and...and I almost lost you." Castiel had tears in his eyes. He looked up at Dean and put his hand on a scar on Deans's chest. "Megatron (A/N yes I meant for it to be Megatron XD) got to you first with an Angel Blade. Y-you were dying. Sam was fighting Gadreel and we...we were losing. But then you pulled out the Angel Blade and killed Megatron and Sam killed Gadreel. Sam got me out and I immediately went to check on you. I-I knew you were dying but there was nothing I could do. I-I was too weak a-and...I failed you..." By now Castiel was crying. Tears were streaming down his face. He looks so broken...Dean thought. Dean tried to fight the instinct to hold Castiel and wipe the tears from his face, but failed.

"Shhh. It's okay." He wiped Castiel's tears away and held his face. "What happened?"

"I called out to you through our connection. You were so quiet I thought you had already died. And so I confessed. I confessed my love for you that night." Deans's heart raced. Butterflies filled his stomach as he fought to hear the rest of what Castiel was saying. "I was so scared of losing you....

Castiel held Dean's broken body while Sam ran up behind them. "Dean! Dean answer me! Dean!" Sam was yelling something but Cas couldn't hear. He was concentrating on reaching Dean with their link. He almost sobbed out loud when he felt a faint connection.

Dean I know you can hear me right now. Please, Dean, answer me. Answer me! Damnit Dean! You can't leave me! I love you! You heard me Dean Winchester! I love you!

Castiel poured every emotion he had into that connection. Every memory of Dean, every thought he ever had about him, all poured into that one life-line Dean had. After it was done Cas sat there. Wondering, hoping, praying that it would work. "Father please!" He yelled out loud. "Please Father! Don't make me lose him!" He cried out with such anguish and pain that every angel in Heaven felt it. Then he heard something. A voice in the back of his mind. Dean's voice.

Cas...Cas. I'm so sorry. I guess it's too late but...I love you too...Then the connection faded away. "No! I won't let this happen!" Cas yelled. Then he did something incredibly stupid but wonderful. Cas took a part of his Grace and gave it to Dean. Sam saw the blinding bright light feed from Cas to Dean through their connection.

"...and then you woke up. It almost killed me but it saved you and that's all I cared about. After that there was nothing else. Years later you got hit by a demon in a big truck and it messed with your memory. Sam was there but thankfully he wasn't hurt too bad. The doctors said that you'd have times where you could remember everything and times where you couldn't remember anything past that night."

Dean swallowed dryly. "H-how long ago was that?"

"It was ten years ago."

Oh my god you guys I'm so sorry I haven't been on here much but I have OVER 1K READS!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I promise I will try my best to update more but I'm so excited Yayyy!!! Thank you so much

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