Chapter forty-six💜

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"Knock, knock!" Jungkook

Upon hearing his voice an automatic smile came across my face and I stood up from my desk in the office.

Both Jungkook and Taehyung were standing at the door, grinning away at me but Jungkooks fists still rested against the solid door.

"Are you ready for your appointment? Jimin said he's going to meet us there." Taehyung

He said as he checked his watch in his wrist but never once did his smile falter.

"Yep I'm ready. I just need to grab my ba-"

I cut myself off when Jungkook swooped in to quickly grab my bag I left on the single chair between us just in front of my desk and he swung it over his shoulder.

"Nah I got it. Let's go!" Jungkook

He skipped out the office like a excited child and Taehyung glanced at him out the doorway and chuckled shaking his head but walked over to me just to offer his arm to me.

"Shall we?" Taehyung

I nodded and hooked my arm around his.

"Yes we shall."

We both laughed and left my office which Taehyung locked for me since I passed him the keys when he asked nicely to lock it for me.

Leaving the cafe completely we found Jungkook already outside standing next to their car which they share. They don't use it often but obviously they're wanting to use it today to get to my doctors appointment.

Jungkook opened the passenger side for me and I thanked him and sat into the seat to apply my seat belt while he got into the driver side and Taehyung slipped into the back seat behind Jungkook so this way he could see me a lot better than someone could if he were behind me.

The drive to the clinic was only ten minutes to arrive at the building as we chatted among ourselves but it was mainly about disgruntled customers. Some of the outrageous things customers can come up with to complain in hopes to get a free coffee is beyond me.

Jungkook parked up the car and in a matter of minutes we were walking through to reception to be greeted by the judgemental receptionist.

"Hi, I have an appointment with Dr Lee at 2.30."

I smiled to the older woman who looked up at me through her glasses, raising a brow. The way she glanced towards Jungkook and Taehyung standing behind me didn't go unnoticed. It was fuelled by disgust.

"Name?" Receptionist

"Lim Y/n."

It was getting harder by the second to keep the smile on my face.

She nods and clicks a few times using her mouse and then hums.

"Take a seat. She shouldn't be long." Receptionist

I nod back to her and turn on my heels. No way was I going to tell her thank you after the way she looked at us. This is a different woman behind that desk compared to last time.

Turning away I noticed the way both Taehyung and Jungkook were glaring at her but Taehyung was mid way turning away from her to walk away where as Jungkook stood firm in his place staring the woman down.


I whispered his name harshly and grabbed his arm to drag him away. Pulling at his sleeve I dragged him into the waiting room with Taehyung and I and pushed him down onto the next seat and sat down beside him. Taehyung decided to stay standing but still eyeing up the older woman now glued to her computer.

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