Chapter twenty-six💜

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The last week hasn't been so bad with Eunji here, not as bad as I thought. She's been hanging out with us at the cafe while we work. I mean she didnt do anything to help out when it got busy but that's no surprise there.

Both boyfriends seem to be more okay with her too. Talking to her more, even maybe a hug or two which I don't mind. I'm there to see it and nothing seems to be setting off any alarm bells.

All is well which is why we've decided to come together for dinner tonight.

Tonight my cousins main topic was to talk about her adventures in Egypt when she went there on holiday two years ago. Somethings she mentions is funny and interesting but somethings, not so much. However Jungkook and Taehyung seem to be engrossed in everything she says tonight. Eyes glued to her and taking in her every word.

As the night has gone on and a few drinks later I was rather starting to get bored of her story telling about her holidays. But my boyfriends however were a different story.

Sitting in the opposite end of the square shaped table across from Eunji I grew silent and sat back listening to her go on and on about the people she met in Egypt and the pyramids. But that's not what started to irritate me, it was the fact Taehyung literally scooted his chair closer to her and away from me. And Jungkook completely turned his whole body to face her.

A part of me thinks I shouldn't be annoyed by this, we did after all use to be friends and hang out all the time in high school but they were never this interested in her. But I push that aside and think it's my jealousy playing up on stupid thoughts that could be just innocent acts from my boyfriends.

"I may love the sun but it was good to finally get out of there and travel to Switzerland. But on the plus side I had a gorgeous tan." Eunji

I willed myself not to roll my eyes at her when she stretched out her bare arm and brushed her finger tips along her skin.

"I've never been to Switzerland. I bet they have amazing sites there." Taehyung

Jungkook nodded eagerly and Eunji slammed her hand to the table, gasping loudly.

"Doesn't it ever?! The views there were beautiful especially after a hike. I'm not the hiking type of girl but once I got to the top after Brandon dragging me up there, was it all worth it." Eunji

"Do you have an pictures?" Jungkook

Eunji sat back against her chair, giggling like a little girl and took out her phone from her bag that was draped across the side of her chair.

"Yes I do. Let me show you." Eunji

Jungkook wiggled closer to her, so close that he was practically pushed up against her shoulder. Even Taehyung leaned on close to have a look too. I just rolled my eyes this time no longer trying to hide it and gulped down the rest of my wine before I put it back down with a thud. Neither Eunji or Jungkook reacted to it when the table shuddered under the impact but Taehyungs wondering eyes flickered my way, forming a little frown on his face.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung

I shrugged, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'm just fine."

"You sure?" Taehyung

"Yes now excuse me I need to visit the rest room."

Standing up I quickly left the table towards the rest room in the back across from our table. Jungkook didn't even bother since he was too interested in Eunjis holiday pictures. I scoffed to myself the more I thought about it when I stomped into the bathroom to have a breather.

The night was going so well until I started noticing my boyfriends taking a lot of interest in her tonight. More so than usual and it's starting to bother me a lot. It could be my insecurities but they wouldn't like it if I acted this way with another man. In fact I know by now I would of been dragged out this restaurant and taken home for a punishment but no, I can't do that because how the hell would I be able to drag out two fully grown men out this place and home?

Exactly I couldn't.

So alone in this bathroom I took a few moments for taking deep calming breaths, willing myself not to say something stupid or doing something stupid.

Checking my make up in the mirror and randomly washing my hands did I leave the rest room and head back to the table.

As I arrived back at the table, the three of them were just like I left them, crowded around the phone as Eunji spoke away about every picture on her phone. The three of them giggling and whispering to one another, at this point if a stranger were to look at our table they would think those three were together in some way and I was the bystander.

Watching Eunji rub her grubby hands down Taehyungs arm and lean her head against Jungkooks shoulder did I scoff at the scene, picking up Jungkooks wine glass and chugging that down followed by Taehyungs glass. Neither one of them noticed anyway.

"God I'm thirsty."

I complained, looking around for a member of staff but I couldn't spot one. But the fact I didn't get a response from any one else at this table but my cousins annoying high pitched laugh pissed me off even more.

"Shall I leave the three of you?"

I asked speaking directly to the three cuddled up trio. Again I was ignored.

"Oh Eunji where is this place?" Taehyung

I glared at him as he pointed to something on her phone.

"Pft, whatever. I'm leaving."

Aggressively standing up I picked up my jacket and bag just to stomp out of that place and leave the restaurant all together. That cold air hitting my skin before I pulled over my jacket to cover my arms.

I called out for a taxi and just went straight home. No way was I going to sit there for the rest of the night and look like an idiot.

I mean what the fuck was all that about?

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