Chapter thirty-seven💜

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I woke up pretty early this morning, I guess its out of habit but I don't plan on going to work today. I have too much on my mind to even think of work but having some time off wouldn't be so bad. Taehyung and Jungkook are more than capable of running the place without me like they did previously after our break up. Plus everything is on route when it comes to the new café so I guess one day off wouldn't be such a crime.

With a cup of water in hand, much to my dismay since I like my coffee in the morning which I can no longer drink for the time being, I walked through to the living room but stopped and sent the other person already awake and on my couch a small yet tired smile.

"Morning Hoseok."

He smiled at me after sipping on his own coffee which made me jealous on the inside but I said nothing to him about that.

"Good morning." Hoseok

I sat down next to him, placing my cup on the coffee table to then have Hoseok pick up my legs and place them across his lap.

"Where is everyone?"

I only asked him because last night everyone stayed the night at my place. Well I know where Jimin is, he slept in my bed last night since Hoseok and Yoongi took my spare bedroom. But where is Jin and Namjoon?

As far as I'm aware they slept on either the couch or blow up bed which is still on the ground empty.

"Well Yoongi is still sleeping, I assume Jimin is still asleep too?" Hoseok

He asked me and I nodded.

"Namjoon just left for the bathroom when he heard you come out and I don't know where Jin is. Namjoon said he was gone when he woke up." Hoseok

Instantly I didn't have a good feeling about that. It was like a gut feeling but I pushed that to the side when Namjoon came wondering in, hair sticking up in all different directions and a tired face as he yawns.

"I take it you had the blow up bed last night Joon?" Hoseok

Namjoon nods, wondering into the room scratching at the back of his head before pausing beside the coffee table to stretch his arms above his head.

"It wasn't just the bed, Jin kept rambling about Taehyung and Jungkook. It went on for hours." Namjoon

I frowned and stood up from the couch and part of Hoseok's lap.

"You don't think that's where he is now do you?"

Namjoon's face lit up upon realization and all tiredness had evaporated from his face.

"Oh god." Namjoon

We just stared at each other until loud and heavy pounding came from the front door. Namjoon and I both flinched and he turned around to face the living room doorway.


Hoseok rushed to the door, speeding passed Namjoon and I where as I stayed routed on my spot, stunned and quite frankly scared by the shouting coming from the other side of that door. Namjoon glanced at me worriedly before he followed Hoseok to the door and that was when the pounding stopped.

"Stop hitting the door and shouting, there's neighbours and it's still early morning." Hoseok

"I don't care, we need to talk to Y/n." Jungkook

"Like right now." Taehyung

I heard their voices but I had no desire to talk ot them or see them. Now was not the time to talk about any of this. I sighed and took a seat back on the couch, knowing Namjoon and Hoseok will handle the situation.

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