Chapter Forty-four💜

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Stupid weather forecast.

There's nothing on the tv on a Sunday and yet there's nothing to do either. I'm bored shitless and need something to do other wise I'm going to drive myself crazy with thought of Y/n when she's made it clear she doesn't want to start things back up with Jungkook and I.

It still hurts and I would love nothing more than to have Y/n back in any way. I miss her terribly and I just want her back but I don't know what else to do.

I have to stop thinking about her.

Grunting at myself because of my frustration I threw the remote down beside me on the couch and stood up to walk into the kitchen.

I paused in the doorway to see a shirtless Jungkook standing there with his back to me on the phone. I was about to ask him who but he pretty much let me know without speaking directly to me.

"Mom, we already apologised over and over again. I cant do any more than what we already have done." Jungkook

I sighed and walked over to the refrigerator beside Jungkook to which he moved to the side to allow me more access and angrily threw the dish towel on the counter beside the sink when I closed the refrigerator after taking out two cans of beer.

"Mom!! Please stop!! I know, I know we messed up but please just drop it." Jungkook

Jungkook glanced at me and I gestured the one can in my hand towards him and he nods but holds up a finger signalling to wait and then walks out the room, disappearing to his room I assume when I heard him slam the door.

I put Jungkook's can down on the counter and opened up my own just to gulp it down like my life depended on it. Really neither one of us should drink but given our stress levels lately we may as well have one or two to cool off. It helps but not much.

After waiting in the kitchen for some time Jungkook comes back into the kitchen, now with a white t-shirt on and picked up beer can and opened it just to drink it down like I did and then sigh afterwards ,leaning his back against the counter and running his free hand through his hair.

"Another rant?"

I asked him and he nods, looking away from me but sipped on his beer again.

"At least it's not my mother again. I couldn't get off the phone with her last time."

I joked just to come stand beside him, leaning against the counter but he just sighed heavily and shook his head.

"Why must they just call us to give us a hard time? I mean we get it, we fucked up and we cant take back what we did but our moms just wont let it go." Jungkook

"That's because they love Y/n and knows she's perfect for us. On top of that they're also eager to know which one of them is going to be a grandmother."

Now it was my turn to sigh.

I'm nervous to find out what those results are as one of us will have more contact with Y/n than the other and that's what's more scary out of all this. Not the fact one of us will have two babies with her but just that one out of the two of us will be left out.

"You know I never pictured kids my life Tae." Jungkook

His confession surprised me and I leaned away from him to get a better look at him but all he did was blankly stare at the ground.

"You didn't? Then what did you picture when you were with Y/? We both knew one day she would want to get married and have kids so, what were your intentions because I knew mine."

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