Chapter thirty💜

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"Hey Jin?"

I looked up from my tray of baked cookies to see Jimin standing there by the doubles doors, frowning deeply almost into a glare as he looks down at the floor.

"What Jimin?"

His dark eyes shot to mine and he twists his lips.

"It's closing time. Y/n came back and it's not good." Jimin

I dropped my spatula there and then and rushed passed him through the doors just to find Hoseok standing there on the other side of the counter holding a sobbing Y/n in his arms and Yoongi escorting some customers out and locking the doors.

With out a second thought I rushed over to her, placing my hand to her shoulder and she sobbed harder but turned around, leaving Hoseok's hold to come into my arm instead. I welcomed her instantly and held her there allowing her to cry as much as she wanted.

Y/n is like a sister to me and to see her like this didn't sit well with me. All she did was go out and write on the specials board, so what could of happened between when I last saw her to now?

It was breaking my heart to listen to her crying hard and judging by Jimin's hard stare and balled up fists he was pissed to see her in such a state and even Hoseok, watching her with pitiful eyes was also feeling bad for her.

Yoongi wondered back over, scratching the back of his neck and looking around awkwardly.

"What happened to her?"

I asked him but he shrugged at me. I would ask Y/n herself but she was in no condition to speak to me right now, all she needed was to cry it out in my arms like the big brother I am to her.

"I don't know. She just burst in here, telling everyone to leave. I guess with the customers seeing her state they didn't ask questions thankfully." Yoongi

"She wondered off." Jimin

I looked back over my shoulder seeing Jimin still clenching his jaw from behind the counter.

"What did you say? Wondered off?"

Jimin nods, turning his head to meet my gaze.

"Yeah, she ran off across the street. I saw her but thought she might of caught Jungkook or Taehyung so I didn't chase after her." Jimin

I bet they had something to do with this. Y/n isn't one to cry much unless she's truly hurting inside, especially to the point she's almost choking on her sobs but thankfully the longer she stays in my arms, hugging me tight around the waist did she start to slowly calm down.

"I'll go make her a drink." Hoseok

"You better make it a strong one. I have my flash of whisky pour some of that in her coffee, she needs it." Yoongi

Hoseok nods and walks around us, eyeing Y/n softly before walking towards the kitchen. I sighed softly, pecking my lips to the top of her head. Hearing her sobs now turn into little sniffles I pushed back a little to cup her cheeks and force her to look up at me as I wiped the tears from under her eyes.

"Can you tell us what happened?"

She shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut as her bottom lip started to quiver again.

"Did your boyfriends upset you? Did you fight?"

She nodded and opened her eyes, meeting mine again.

"J-Jungkook broke u-up with me. He p-pushed me a-away." Y/n

More tears ran down her cheeks so I wiped them away quickly and brought her back to my chest again for another tight hug.

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