Chapter twenty-three💜

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Like we had planned with Eunji, well more like I had arranged with my cousin, we had dinner which was okay except Eunji insisted on sitting next to poor Jungkook but I made it up to him by rubbing his crotch under the table using my foot. He did get a semi and got all embarrassed but it was funny and even Taehyung thought it was quite funny to see Jungkook get all hot and bothered at the table like that. Whether Eunji noticed or not I don't know but it was something to think back on and think it was hilarious.

After we ate we went to the club for the first time in a long time. It wasn't our idea but Eunji's and I have to say after a few drinks everything just seemed to buzz afterwards and we all found ourselves having a great time. We found a booth to claim for the night, taking turns to the dance floor. The boys sticking to my side until Eunji grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor to join her dancing.

As she always use to do, she would grind up against other men, having the time of her life and I would end up just doing my own thing. I don't know why she dragged me here but I assumed it was something to do with just trying to take me away from my boyfriends that have been watching from a far but know only one of them could actually leave the booth if we still want to keep it.

Moving to the rhythm of the music, in my own drunken world, swaying my hips side to side just to see my boyfriends on the other side of the dancefloor sitting in our booth watching with dark eyes. Both leaning into one another, talking to one another as I could see their lips moving but obviously couldn't hear them all the way from over here. Plus the music was too loud for that to be a possibility if this were any other room.

Noticing the way Taehyung had to adjust himself through his jeans I could only smirk to myself. I did a little spin, seeing Eunji now disappeared somewhere but I didn't care, I was having fun teasing my boyfriends. Then turning back to face their direction again I licked my lips, making my teasing smirk known just to point towards them both and then signal them to come follow me. I wanted to see who would follow, if not both. I didn't care if we lost our table, we can just find another one.

Moving with the music I spun around and began to make my way through the crowd when Taehyung made the first move to stand up and Jungkook quickly to follow. The two men scattering up off their seats and I felt the thrill of being chased in this large club that was filled with people. Laughing over the music I pushed through people, excusing myself and every now and then to glance over my shoulder to see if they were following me and they were and that only made it more thrilling and exciting to see the lust already in their eyes.

However when I glanced over my shoulder for the last time, almost off the dance floor did I stop and frown when I could no longer see any one of them. Where did they go?

Looking left and right and even on my tippy toes I couldn't see any of them, not even Eunji at this point. Not that I was looking for her but just anyone right now would be fine.

I was about to call out their names just in case one of them could hear me but my wrist was grabbed in a hard hold and I was dragged off the dance floor, through some more private booths and towards what looked like a small hallway with the neon lights hanging on the walls and black painted concrete. But staring to the back of this mans head, I knew he wasn't Jungkook or Taehyung.

He was almost as short as I was, stocky built and blonde dyed hair that was messy like a mop on the top of his head. No way was he either of my boyfriends yet when I tried to pry my hands from him he wouldn't let go.

But this man pushed me towards the wall and cornered me to the very back of this hallway, his arms on either side of my head and his hands firmly placed on the wall, trapping me in.

"You've been teasing me all night princess." ?

I cringed and turned my head away when he leaned in closer. His breath smelled of cigarettes and vodka, strong vodka.

"I haven't been teasing you. I don't even know you."

Trying to push him back by his chest he didn't even more but instead chuckled and stroked my cheek with the back of his hand, coming so much more closer, inches actually.

"Then let's get to know each other a little better then shall we?" ?

I felt his hand cup my left breast and that was it for me. I brought up my knee and hit him in the crotch. He grunted in pain and stumbled back, hands over his crotch.

"You bitch!" ?

"Nah man, you're the bitch."

In came Jungkook out of nowhere, grabbing the man by the back of his head by his hair and throwing his head down to meet his knee and then pushed him back to land another punch to the mans nose. I gasped out of shock seeing Jungkook look so livid but yet he kept hitting the man over and over again, the face, stomach and even high kicked the man to the floor.

"Jungkook stop it!! Lets just get out of here!" Taehyung

Shouting over the music, instantly running to me just to grab me and throw me over his shoulder and make a quick exit towards the huge black door that must be the emergency exit of something but yet doesn't go off when Taehyung pushes it open and leads us out I the alley way. Before the door could shut behind us, Jungkook kicked the man once more in the face before he ran after us, pushing the door open just a little bit and then allowing it to close when he followed Taehyung and I up the alley towards the street lights.

"He's fucking lucky I didn't kill him." Jungkook

"Yeah well sadly he's not. Lets just get Y/n home before someone finds him and calls the cops." Taehyung

"Guys what about Eunji?"

There was silence for a moment as they both continued walking along until we made it to the street. Taehyung set me down on my feet but held me close by keeping his arm around my waist.

"There I texted her using your phone Y/n." Jungkook

Stuffing my phone back in his pocket I only nodded but huddled more into Taehyung due to the cool breeze on my bare arms.

"Jungkook call a taxi." Taehyung

"Sure." Jungkook

I heard him mumble and then watching him walk a little further down the street to stop by a car and lean down to speak to someone through the window. Then just waved Taehyung and I over so we could join him in getting into the car. Honestly I felt a little bad leaving Eunji behind but when enough is enough it's time to go home.

I'll just call her in the morning.

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