Chapter thirty-one💜

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I don't know what the day is or the time. I only know that it's dark out meaning it's sometime at night but I don't care, it's not like I have anything else to worry about.

I haven't been to work and I don't want to go. I'm not ready to face either of them and I know they are back at work in the café since Jin gives me daily updates through out the day as well as Jimin and Yoongi. Namjoon was here earlier to check up on me on his lunch break so that was nice to have come company.

It's also not like I'm not doing anything either. Through the day I've been making the floor plans and making calls for our second café to open. At some point I will have to obviously talk to my ex's about it but not right now. There's not really anything to discuss and Jimin said they know I'm doing but neither one of them are interested in the plans right now. Apparently it's up to me according to Taehyung.

My current plans are laid out on my coffee table with a bottle of vodka that has been half drunk. I'm curled up on my couch, staring blankly at my phone. Since that day neither one of them texted me. I know that we're broken up but I thought at least one of them would message me and just ask how I'm doing. We were friends first but I guess that's all out the window now. This was exactly what I was afraid of and now that I've lost them, it feels like a part of me is missing.

From beyond my living room I heard a light knocking on my door but I didn't bother to answer. All my close friends have spares to my apartment so if it's one of them they'll just come in if I don't answer.

When I didn't get up to answer I listened out to my door opening and in came a couple footsteps and not to my surprise Hoseok, Jimin and Yoongi came piling in single file. Jimin pushing passed Hoseok to come to my side and scoop me up in his arms like he's been doing this last week and I weakly sit on his lap curling into him instead of my couch.

Yoongi sat on my single chair watching Jimin and I while Hoseok took a seat beside me, placing a hand softly on my arm.

"Hey Y/n, how you doing today?" Hoseok

I shrugged at him.

"Okay I guess. Could be better."

"Well you're in luck. Hoseok and Jimin came to cheer you up." Yoongi

I looked over to him and noticed the way he was snickering in some kind of cheeky way like he was up to something.


"Yoongi no. We talked about this." Hoseok

"Yeah leave your sexual fantasies to yourself." Jimin

Yoongi pouted his lips cutely but then quickly shrugged it off completely and stood up from the chair.

"So much for a four way then, oh well I'm going to make drinks even if it looks like Y/n has already started without us." Yoongi

He walked out the room after pointing out to the vodka bottle on my table.

Hoseok tsked at Yoongi once he left the room but some how I found Yoongi amusing even after the four way comment. Personally I would be shocked if he meant that but if he did I was in no mood for sexual acts. I'm still trying to get over the break up.

"So what do you all plan then? It's not the four way is it?"

"Why? Do you want to?" Jimin

I choked and Hoseok slapped Jimin on the arm as Jimin laughed at my reaction but placed a kiss to the top of my head afterwards.

"Relax, I'm kidding okay?" Jimin

"That's what I thought." Hoseok

"Or was I?" Jimin

I sat up and looked at Jimin wiggling his brows towards Hoseok mischievously but Hoseok just stared at him blankly before he shook his head and licked his lips to look at me.

"Ignore him Y/n. We're here to pick up your mood. Namjoon told us you would need it so what about some dancing games. Yoongi will start off." Hoseok

"FUCK OFF, NO I WONT!!" Yoongi

"Yes he will." Jimin

He whispered in my ear and I giggled just in time for Yoongi to walk back into the room holding a box of beer that was ripped open at the top. He placed it down on the table and passed out bottles of beer for everyone.

"Right so who's going first?" Yoongi

"Yoongi we already talked about this. You're going first." Hoseok

Yoongi scoffed and turned on the tv using the remote and set up the xbox located in my unit under the tv. Everyone sat there watching in silence as he sets up the game and starts it. The music starts playing and he even so much as places his bottle down on the table after pushing it to the side of the room so the centre could be free for dancing.

"Wait, wait, wait. You're actually going to go first without argument?" Hoseok

Yoongi looked back at us over his shoulder and nodded but when he gazed back at me he chuckled, winked and turned back around.

The game started up and Yoongi had his turn dancing to the songs and following the steps holding onto the remote to feel his movements. Next Hoseok had a chance and then Jimin which left me going last. I chose to go last but as the time went on it actually started to make me feel good for the first time in a week.

I didn't think about Jungkook or Taehyung.

It was just myself enjoying my time with my friends that have been here for me in this hard time.

I was so engrossed in the game I didn't realise Jin and Namjoon wondered into the apartment, showing their shock to see me dancing and actually laughing as Jimin cheered me on doing the splits and shaking my ass and Yoongi throwing money down at me to my ass.



Hoseok was laughing too hard and I was just too in the moment. I did catch Namjoon's soft smile watching us all while he holds bags filled with take away food but it didn't take long before Jin joined in and started slowly squatting and shaking his ass along with me.

I really had a good time and it was just what I needed. To be with my friend and just have a good time.

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