Chapter forty-eight💜

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Finally it's home time. I've been on my feet all day when I know I'm not suppose to and my employees have been telling me to sit back and relax but I really couldn't. Today was busy so I couldn't sit around and do nothing.

Just as long as Taehyung and Jungkook don't find out I'm all good.

Now that the day is done and I told everyone to go home that just leaves me here alone in the café to finish off checking receipts and doing the last check list for deliveries and noting what we need so I can order it all tomorrow. Just the boring stuff.

Soobin and Yeonjun cleaned up the kitchen and café so now that just leaves me to grab my keys in my bag from my office, lock up my office door and walk out to the front but skimming through all the junk in my bag to find my phone.

I told Jungkook I would text him when I was finished so they could pick me up and take me home for a casual movie night and take out. This time Jimin will be out so it will just be the three of us and I can drink as much mountain dew as I please. I already checked with my doctor that as long as I don't drink a lot of it, it shouldn't affect the babies.

Stopping in my tracks on the way to the door I paused to quickly text Jungkook that I'm done and throw it back into my bag.

The bell on the door chimed and I looked up instinctively to tell the apparent customer that we're closed but that small smile on my face dropped the moment I laid eyes on the witch before me.

"What the hell do you want?"

Clutching onto my bag strap over my shoulder, glaring at my cousin that strolled in here like she owns the place.

"Can't I visit my cousin?" Eunbi

Rolling my eyes I snorted back a laugh but she stopped a mere six feet away from me just to return the glare back after hearing my snort.

"I think it's safe to say after the stunt you pulled we're no longer family. What are you really doing here?"

Eunbi flicked some of her newly blonde hair over her shoulder and tsked at me.

"We haven't been family in a long time Y/n. It's good that you know where we stand." Eunbi

"I'm not that stupid unlike you. Tae and Jungkook told me how you manipulated them into thinking I betrayed them in high school and have been using them. I know that really it was someone else that thought that plan up. You're too thick in the head to remember your ABC's."

Her eyes widen and balled up his fists. I was just waiting for her to blow up and witness the steam to come out the top of her head.

"I did too think of it!! It was my plan and it worked!! They got rid of you!!" Eunbi

She pointed to me daring to take a step closer but I didn't budge. The only movement I made was to turn my front slightly to the side so I can in some way if needed protect my belly from her. I wouldnt put it passed her to do something harmful towards my babies.

"Correction. I left them alone after they chose to believe you. Jungkook told me it was over, yes but you and I both know if I tried hard enough I would of had them both back in my bed the next day. And if I remember correctly, they still didn't want you."

I grinned at her, lazily pointing in her direction.

Eunbi growled between her gritted teeth just to glare at me. I took this silence my chance to move so I walked around her, purposely making sure there was a table between us. As I moved her body followed as she followed my every move.

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