Chapter forty-five💜

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I was really nervous and have been since I sent out a text to Jungkook and Taehyung two days ago to talk about the situation. Seeing that the results state that both of them have fathered a baby each I think it would be wise that the three of us talk properly now that we know definitely who the father or should I say fathers are.

Today was the day we were going to have that conversation again and hopefully it goes right this time. No fighting or pointing fingers at who ever over what ever. I want to move passed that now and just go forward from here and see what happens.

I've been sitting in my room all day, going over and over again in my mind what I'm going to say. I know what I want to say but it's harder to say to their faces. Things have been good when we see each other and I don't want things to go backwards.

I only want to go forward and hopefully that is what they want to.

"Y/N, THEY'RE HERE!!" Jimin

I heard him shout through the apartment. I got up from the bed, nervously but cursed to myself since I didn't hear the door bell go off but that doesn't matter anymore. They're here and its now or never we have this conversation and it would be best for the babies that we do before they're here.

Wrapping my cardigan around my showing belly I left my bedroom and walked to the living room just as Jimin was walking out. He stopped by the door way and patted my shoulder, offering me a comforting smile before he put on his shoes by the front door and left the apartment so the three of us could talk.

Jimin already assured me earlier if things go wrong, just to text him and he'll be there in no time.

Once Jimin was gone, I felt the two pairs of eyes on me from across the room. I turned to face them and they were both staring at me but Jungkook looked away when we made eye contact and yet only Taehyung held my gaze until I sat down across from them on the single comfy chair.

I wanted to pull my legs up but I had to literally swing my legs up as I pushed myself back for more momentum and managed to bring my legs up on the chair and cross them over and tucked my hands into my cardigan to caress my stomach.

"Thank you for coming. I didn't know if either one of you would or not."

I told them both, shyly looking down at the ground.

"Of course we would come. We'll be where ever you want us to be." Taehyung

I nod at his words before I start to speak again but notice that Jungkook is still trying to avoid looking at me all together by having his wondering eyes explore my living room as if he's never been here before.

"Well thank you. That's good to know but as you both know, the DNA results came back as both of you fathering one child each which is a great shock to me."

I said, one hand over my chest to express the amount of shock I still am in over the news. Jungkook nods blankly, rubbing his hands together where as Taehyung just snorted back a laugh.

"You're telling us. We're just as shocked as you are. Jungkook has barely spoken since we found out, isn't that right Jungkook?" Taehyung

He patted Jungkook's back and he snapped out his thoughts to look at Taehyung then to me and back to Taehyung to just shrug and lean back against the couch.

"I have nothing to really say right now." Jungkook

"Still trying to grasp it all?"

I asked him and he flickered his sights to me before nodding, pressing his lips together.

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