Chapter sixteen💜

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I was left in charge of the café while Y/n, Jungkook and Taehyung visit their childhood town to see their parents. I think it would be good for them since they work a lot even sometimes to work on the days they're not suppose to so it would be good to see them get a break from all this.

Jin spoke to them earlier but I don't really know what was said since I was busy helping Yoongi during the lunch hour. It was just the two of us through here while Jin was in the back like always. Although his boyfriend Namjoon stopped by too which was cool because I like him. Namjoon and I had always gotten along but that guy gets along with pretty much anyone.

The lunch hour was starting to die off meaning not a lot of people were left in the café and now I was cleaning tables while Yoongi was cleaning up the counters by the til and the cakes. I don't mind the cleaning stuff so much but it's a job and I do what I must. I like working here because I get to see my friends and it's good pay and not to mention the occasional free cake here and there. It's great.

This Yoongi guy is interesting though.

Every now and then I would catch him staring at me. Sometime he would look away and sometimes he wouldn't, he would just stare back at me just to smirk and make me feel all flustered. But I don't understand why. I'm not gay and plus he's a married man. But why should that matter?

I'm not gay. I like women.

Even if I do find that Yoongi is an attractive man and his husband is also quite good looking but that's not the point.

Washing these thoughts away to myself I shook my head after finishing the last empty table to walk back over to the counter to Yoongi who also was in the middle of putting the disinfectant spray bottle back under the counter and I followed suit by putting mine away too. Standing next to Yoongi I could feel his eyes on me again as I go through the till and check the receipts. I don't need to do that yet until the end of the day but still, his eyes on me make me nervous.

"So Jimin? Are you single?" Yoongi

I chocked on my own saliva when he asked me that and looked over my shoulder to see him smiling back at me, leaning pu against the counter with one hand. He's very bold.

"I am. Why?"

He shrugged his shoulders and pouted his lips.

"No reason, just making conversation." Yoongi

I hummed at him and turned back around to the till. The bell on the door chimed meaning a customer walked in. I looked up to see Yoongi's husband walk in, Hoseok. I couldn't help but stare at him, he was walking in all smiles as always, but it seemed like today he was walking in slow motion and I couldn't help but gawk at him.

"Hey Hoseok!" Yoongi

He loud voice caught me off guard and pulled me away from my thoughts and back to the till when Yoongi walked around me to leave from behind the counter and over to Hoseoks who's eyes just grew in Size to see Yoongi rush over to him for a hug and a quick kiss on the lips. I admire their bravery to do that in public since I know a lot of people out there don't like it but me, it never bothered me.

I left them to do their own business whispering to one another about something that I couldn't quite hear until Yoongi took Hoseoks hand and walked him over to stand in front of me on the other side of the counter. I looked up from the til to meet eyes with Hoseok and smiled at him since he was already smiling at me, it's contagious.

"Hey Hoseok."

"Hi Jimin. How's work been?" Hoseok

I nodded to him with a slight shrug.

"It's okay, busy but calm now. What about you?"

He glanced at Yoongi and both shared a grin to one another and then he looked back at me.

"Nothing new really. I only had two clients today so it's been really slow but I'm meant to be busy tomorrow so it's not that big of a deal." Hoseok

I nodded to that and closed up the till again to pay more attention to both Yoongi and Hoseok.

"Hey babe, Jimin was just saying that's he's single." Yoongi

Why did he mention that all of a sudden?

Hoseoks eyes lit up and his lips parted to shape a O, as he turned to glance at Yoongis standing close beside him and then back to look at me again with a smirk.

"Is that so? Well Jimin would you like to come over to our place one night? You know something to eat and movies or whatever. It be nice to get to know some more." Hoseok

I stopped breathing and stared back at the man like a statue. I could feel my cheeks burn up to this but I quickly snapped out of it, shaking my head to myself and forced a smile so they wouldn't think I was weird.

"Y-yeah, sure. I'd like that."

"Great! We can sort out a day at some point when no ones busy. This is great Jimin." Hoseok

I nodded but yet chuckle to see him get all excited and tug on yoongis sleeve excitedly over the fact I accepted his offer. I don't see why not? They're good guys and I like them so what's the harm?


Jins voice echoed through the cafe and I sighed. I smiled once more to the two of them that gave me a knowing look since they too heard I was being summoned. I walked to the double doors and pushed my way inside to the back kitchen to see Jin standing there with a tray of blueberry muffins with a lemon glaze.

"You need to take these out and place them in the display. There's room right?" Jin

I nodded and took the tray from him.

"Yes there's room now after the lunch chaos. I was about to come through and ask anyway."

"Are you sure? Because it looked like you were flirting with Yoongi and his husband?" Jin

My eyes grew in size and I stepped back stunned but he just grinned at me and places his hands on his hips.

"I wasn't flirting! We were just talking and they invited me to their place so we can get to know each other. No big deal."

I shrugged looking down at the delicious muffins.

"So a date you mean?" Jin

I shook my head in denial.

"No. It's not like that. Yoongi and I are just co workers and his husband invited me around so we could get to know each other as friends."

Jin hummed but squinted his eyes at me as if he wasn't convinced so I just gave up trying to even fight my case on this one. It's just innocent hang out I don't see what the big deal is.

"Well look at our three young bosses. They've been friends for ten years and now they're together in a polygamous relationship over a simple hangout. That could happen to you and them too you know." Jin

I shook my head in even more denial.

"I don't think so Jin. It's just as friends."

I smiled at him once more and turned away to walk out the kitchen but I stopped by the double doors when I seen both Yoongi and Hoseok again, whispering close to one another's ears and pressed against each other. I had butterflies in my stomach just watching them which made me feel all weird inside to feel this way about a man and not just one but two men.

Just a harmless hang out right?

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