Chapter seven💜

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Walking through the café I seen Jimin was here but he hadn't noticed me yet as he was busy helping an elderly man sit down in his seat and speaking with him but it's fine I'll speak to him later. I just needed to see Jin in the back kitchen. I wasn't even suppose to be in today, Jungkook, Taehyung and I were gonna be taking a day off since this is one of the days of the week that is usually not busy and it's not.

I practically ran to the back kitchen but only to have a shoe thrown my way but lucky for me it missed and slammed into the door behind me.

"Hey! What was that for?"

I shouted at Jin, offended that he would even do that to me but judging by the look on his face he clearly wasn't happy with me but I was also surprised to see Namjoon, Jin's boyfriend standing here in the kitchen next to him but only sending an apologetic look my way.

"I'm so sorry Y/n. I tried to talk him out of it." Namjoon

"It's okay Namjoon."

I smile at him to walk further away from the door and more into the kitchen but with caution. He still has another shoe he could throw my way.

"Joon, go get my shoe please. Now you, young lady...." Jin

He point at me with a warning finger as if a parent scolding a child as Namjoon walks over to pick up Jins shoe and hand it back to him but only for Jin to hold it in his hand.

"Have got to know that running from your problems is not the answer. You know that and hell, I wouldn't even say this was a problem, am I right Namjoon?" Jin

He looks at the poor man who steps back with his hands raised in the air and fear written on his face.

"Don't drag me into this. I'm just hear to listen in case she needs advice." Namjoon

"Pft what advice would that be?" Jin

Namjoon looks at me and shrugs.

"I don't know yet. I would have to listen to what she's got to say first." Namjoon

Jin only sighs and shakes his head looking down at the metal table in the middle of the room that he's leaning against and I stay on the far side.

"I just don't get why you're so bothered about this Y/n. Those guys are crazy about you and finally all that sexual tension between the three of you finally got somewhere and you blew it by walking out when you should of just stayed there with them and talked to them about it." Jin

I sighed because I knew he was right. I should of but I was just worried in case they put on this act as if everything was alright when it's not. They could regret last night and yet I'm scared to hear the words come from them if that's true because I know if I were to ask they wouldn't lie to me about it, even if it hurt my feelings just like I would do for them. That's one thing we stand with in our friendship and that's honesty, no lies and for all these years it's worked.

"I just don't want to face rejection because if I ask them they'll tell straight, if they regret it or not."

I looked down sadly and I heard jin scoff again.

"Seriously? Are you not listening to anything I'm telling you? Look Y/n, I love you like a sister but you're so clueless you know that right?" Jin

"I'm not that clueless I know theirs sexual tension between us, there always has been. But I'm worried about what if they thought they wanted to sleep with me, and then only after do they wish they never thought that way. That is was something that they thought they wanted."

Jin didn't say anything but stare at me, processing my words but Namjoon decided to speak up breaking the small silence that came in the room.

"How were they with you this morning? Was there anything that told you they did regret anything or just acted the same as they always do with you?" Namjoon

A smile crept upon my face as I think back to their bickering in the kitchen.

"No, they were very normal So normal that I almost forgot about worrying about it all, making me feel stupid but then I remembered that those guys are really nice, sometimes too nice and if they know something were to hurt my feelings they would try and play everything off as normal unless I were to ask them directly."

I know they would do this because they've done this before with a few things over the years. Act likes they're okay with everything but the moment I were to ask them that's when they would become vocal and tell me how they were feeling about whatever it was we were speaking about. For example the whole Jimin thing. The didn't like I was with Jimin in the first place but kept their mouths shut until one day I asked for their opinions on him. They told me how they like Jimin just didn't like the idea of Jimin and I together but after Jimin and I spilt and we kept a friends with benefits thing going on and one day Jungkook noticed something between Jimin and I and asked what was going on. I had to tell them both the truth on that and let's just say the exploded and even admitted they were jealous.

Actually now that I think about it, maybe they wouldn't of regretted last night and it was me in my own stupid ways and left this morning when I should of just stayed. Great.

"I think Y/n the three of you need to sit down and talk about everything between the three of you. I think it's needed and if you don't that will probably be the start of you problems in your friendship with those two." Namjoon

"I couldn't of said it better Joon." Jin

I only look at Jin and Namjoon. I know they're right. I shouldn't of been a idiot but I'll make it up to Jungkook and Taehyung and obviously I would explain to them my actions. I just panicked but I panicked over nothing. They gave me no reason to feel this way, it's only my own insecurities that got the best of me.

"I'll talk to them when I next see them. You know face to face."

"That's the best way Y/n." Namjoon

I could only smile at him and I pulled myself up to sit on the counter top behind me and sit down to have my legs hanging off the counter top.

"So Y/n now that the drama is over and done with I have one question for you." Jin

I looked at him waiting for his question and Namjoon too also looks at him but crossing his arms over his chest.

"What is it?"

"Can you tell me which one out of the two are the biggest in the down below area? I've always been curious." Jin

I only burst out laughing but not because of his question but more because of Namjoons offended face.

"Yah!! I'm right here you know?!" Namjoon

"I'm just curious. It's not like I have them in here taking down there pants to see for myself now is it?" Jin

"Jin I swear to god. Stop it." Namjoon

"You can't stop me from doing nothing you big baby." Jin

I couldn't stop laughing at the two bickering but either way I know they're both right. I'll talk to Taehyung and Jungkook when I next see them. It has to be done for the sake of our friendship.

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