thirty nine

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Ch 39

Sage P.O.V.

As always, there was a party going full swing. It didn't take long for me to see Curly and know Tim was around somewhere. Between him and Dal, I wasn't getting away with much tonight. I ended up dancing with a few guys who I hoped were smart enough not to try anything and tried to forget I was being watched every second.

Two-Bit P.O.V.

I sat at the bar and Steve walked up not too long after he got there. "Surprised you aren't out there trying to get a girl."

I chuckled and pointed out to the dance floor. "I am currently watching something that is bound to turn into a fight."

Steve asked what I meant, and I pointed out Dally in the corner with two girls, looking up every few minutes and scanning the room. And then Tim who was playing pool in the corner with his eyes mostly on the dance floor.

"Who are they watching?"

I took a sip of my beer, "Sage. She is dancing with a guy who is starting to get too handsy. It's only a matter of time before one of the two will be there."

We watched Sage try and push the guy off her and with him being too drunk, he didn't care. Tim saw it first and Dally got up as soon as he saw Tim walk away from the pool table midgame. Steve shook his head, "They've changed. Tim is actually showing he cares about someone."

I nodded. "I think the Mark thing shook them all up and now thing the things with the Soc's. Sage hasn't been as tough as she was when she first came back. Dal almost lost her too many times this last year. And Tim, I think sees her as he does Angela. Someone who can hold their own, but they shouldn't have to. It's only a matter of time before the whole town realizes that messing with Sage Winston is a death wish."

We saw Dally drag the guy outside and Tim say something to Sage. Her shoulders were tense, but she didn't say anything back to him. He ended up walking back to the pool table and she found her way towards us at the bar.

"Now what's a pretty thing like you doing in a dirty place like this? Don't you know us greasers are no good?" I watched her face morph into a smile as I said that.

"Well Keith Matthews, I know gentlemen like you frequent this place so it's not all too bad." I laughed and took a few sips of my beer.

Steve asked her what happened out there. She rolled her eyes and said, "My brother and his annoying friend can't seem to leave me alone for more than two seconds. I could've handled that guy on my own. Hell, he was so drunk he had no idea what year we were in."

We all settled into an easy conversation until Soda showed up. I looked at Sage out of the corner of my eye to see how she would react, but to all our surprise, she asked to talk to Soda alone. Steve and I watched our confused friend and Sage walk out the back. "Maybe I've had too much to drink, but she didn't look that pissed off."

Steve nodded his head, "I don't know what she wants to talk to him about, but I really hope it's something to ease that tension. It's hard picking sides."

Amen to that.

Sage P.O.V.

I noticed his hesitation when we walked outside and tried to offer him a smile to know I meant no harm. It was a cooler night with the smell of winter not too far around the corner. I couldn't help but chuckle at what this last year has been.

Soda stayed quiet, probably waiting for me to say something. Poor kid always wore his heart on his sleeve. "Ever wish you could go back and change the past?"

He slowly nodded his head. "There are a few times I wished that. One time more than any, but yeah."

I knew he was thinking of his parents when he said that. It made me pause though. Yeah, my life hasn't exactly been rainbows and unicorns, but I didn't have to live through two of my favorite people dying. Blessing in disguise I guess that I wasn't close to my parents.

"What about you?" I shrugged my shoulders at his question.

"Maybe a time or two. Just to the times that I caused the ones I loved pain." I saw him nod his head and waited for me to speak again.

I sighed, "Look Soda, I just want to apologize for all the pain and hurt I have caused you since I've been back. I know if I wasn't here, life would've gone on like normal and we wouldn't be where we are at today."

He looked at me confused, which is not exactly the reaction I was going for. "We might have had a rough year, but I got the piece in my life back that I was missing. We both did things that hurt the other, and I'm sorry for that too. But don't ever think I regret you coming back."

I looked down at my feet, "I forgive you. I just wanted you to know that I really am sorry. You are the last person I ever wanted to hurt."

He stepped towards me and put a hand on my arm. "Why now? Why are we talking about this now? This feels like a goodbye."

I gave him a sad smile, "It's not a goodbye. It's me growing up and making the right decisions for once." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked back inside, leaving him there in a shocked silence.

I think I have made my decision on what I planned on doing, but I needed to talk it through with Ange before I move forward. For once, I was proud of the people we were becoming.

Steve P.O.V.

Soda walked back in, looking like he had been punched in the gut. "You okay buddy?"

He shook his head, "Have either of you talked to Sage recently about what's been going on?"

Two-bit and I shook our heads. "She just apologized and said something about making the right decision for once. I don't know what that means, but it didn't sound like her at all."

I looked around the room for Dally and saw him in the corner again. Once he looked up at me, I waved him over. I didn't care what beef we all might have with each other, Sage was about to do something stupid, and it was going to take all of us to stop her.

"What do you want Randle?" Dally looked at the three of us and then looked around the room. "Where's my sister?"

Soda explained to him what their conversation was about while I tried to spot where she had gone to. Two-bit was serious for once and told Dally we needed to keep a close eye on her. "Tim might want to know what's going on too. I have a feeling it ain't just your sister that is going to do something."

Dally ran a hand through his hair and nodded his head. "Yeah man. I'll talk to him. Any of you see where she went?"

We all shook our heads, but I had my eyes on the front door the whole time. "Maybe to her room? She hasn't left as far as I know." Dally nodded his head and thanked us.

When he walked away, Two-bit whistled. "Anyone else think Dally is starting to look a lot like Darry?" Two was right. Dally had to do a lot of growing up this year to keep his sister safe.

The thing with Sage though, once she sets her mind to something, no one was going to stop her.      

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