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Sage P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning feeling sorer than I had been in a while. When I blinked, I could feel the swelling around my eye. Sitting up in bed was a different story. I had forgotten about my side and the pain was a quick reminder that I had probably broken a rib or two. 

Dally wasn't next to me or anywhere in the room. I guess he got up earlier and I was too tired to hear him. It took a few minutes to get out of the bed and into the bathroom to try and wash off some before I faced what today was going to bring. I quickly showered and changed back into the clothes Dally gave me last night, since mine was covered in blood. 

A shiver went down my spine as I thought about the events from last night. I debated on what to do. I feel like finding Dally was my best option since I wanted to avoid the gang a little longer. 

I walked out of the room and down the stairs to see Dally sitting at the bar with Tim. I froze and they both looked up at me. There was a reason why no one messed with Tim or Dally. They had this thing about them that made them scarier than all get out. Being Dal's little sister didn't make me immune to that. 

Tim looked me over and Dal told me to come have a seat. I had this feeling I was about to be interrogated. And as many times as these two have ended up in the cooler, I'm sure they have picked up the art of it. Dally asked me how I was doing this morning. "Fine." He took a sip of a Pepsi and looked at Tim. 

Tim asked where I got the drugs from. There was no way in hell I was going to tell Tim Shepard that his baby sister got a hold of some Ex. "Last night is still a little fuzzy. I don't remember." He knew I was lying. 

"I am going to ask you one more time and you better think hard about your answer." Part of me was surprised when Dally didn't tell him to back off, but another part of me knew he wanted to know everything. I shook my head, "I got it from one of the people there." I looked Tim straight in the eye when I said it, hoping he would buy this lie. 

He stared back at me and shook his head, "When I asked Angela this morning, she said she got it from someone there. So, either you are covering for her or she is covering for you." He hit the bar top with his fist, making me jump. "You both are nothing but trouble together. Drinking, drugs, fighting. It never stops with the two of you. Maybe after what happened last night you will finally start to realize that this all isn't one big game!" He yelled the last part. 

Dally still hadn't moved from his chair and I don't know what pissed me off more. The fact that my brother is letting Tim talk to me like this, or that I'm letting him. Tim probably thought because he was who he was, I wouldn't do anything stupid or rash. Which I think is why I was about to do what I was. 

Before him or Dally could register what was going on, I threw my arm back and swung it at his face, making contact with his nose. Dally pulled me back and stood between the two of us so Tim couldn't touch me. 

"You don't get to talk like that and get away with it. You were not the one raped last night, so stop trying to make me feel even worse than what I do. Yeah, the drugs might have been a step too far, but if the two of you wouldn't baby us like you do, maybe we wouldn't rebel against ya'll!" 

Everyone was silent and I heard Dally curse under his breath. Tim looked at me shocked, "You were raped?" Shit. I thought Dally has told him. When I looked at my brother, all he did was shake his head. I sat at the bar and put my head in my hands. All I wanted was for them to leave me alone. 

It was silent for a few more minutes until Dally said, "He came over and said Angela was acting weird. That she had taken something last night and didn't feel well today. He knew you were both together last night and wanted to know what happened with you. I told you kid, I wasn't going to tell anyone what happened." 

I should give Dal some credit for not saying anything. I honestly thought he would run straight to Tim when he found out we both made poor decisions. Tim's voice pulled me out of my thoughts when he asked if his sister was involved. I was barely able to tell my own brother what happened, there was no way I could tell Tim. 

I shook my head and stood up from the bar. Dally asked where I was going, "Back to bed." They didn't stop me as I walked back up the stairs. I shut the door, laid back in bed, and prayed that Angela wasn't going to kill me when she finds out I spilled the beans. I could hear Tim and Dally yelling downstairs. I was only able to pick up pieces of the conversation, but I know there were things said about us not hanging out together and who they were going to kill. 

I rolled my eyes and saw a phone on the dresser. Maybe if I gave Angela a heads up, she wouldn't hate me too much. I dialed their number and heard it ring a few times before a guy's voice answered. "I need to talk to Angela." 

There was some brief yelling and movement on the other line and then Angela picked up. "Hello?" I took a deep breath, "Please don't hate me. I woke up this morning and was bombarded by both of our brothers. I told him I got the drugs from someone and then he got mad saying you said the same thing. One thing led to another and I hit him. I know that was dumb, but he was making us sound like children. Then I told him he had no right to make me feel worse because I was the one who got raped and not him. I had no idea he didn't know everything from last night and I thought Dally told him. Now him and my brother are downstairs yelling." 

There was a long pause. "Jesus. I'm not mad but damn this day just keeps getting worse." 

I sighed "Tell me about it. The only thing I want to do right now is disappear and forget about everything." 

She chuckled a bit, "I would say we could run away, but I don't think our brothers are going to let us out of their sight for a while." 

I agreed. "I guess we will let things calm down before we hang out again. The last thing I want is Dally having a heart attack from all the stress I'm causing." 

She giggled this time. "Could you imagine both our brothers with gray hair just from putting up with us?" I laughed and told her I would call her later to see how Tim handles this. 

After I hung up, Dally walked in the room. He looked at me and shook his head, "Tim is pissed." I shouldn't have hit him, I knew this. But at this point, what could make anything worse? I looked down and played with the bed sheets. 

He sat next to me and pulled me close to him. "While I don't like you fighting, I was proud of you for standing up to Tim." He chuckled, "Ol' Tim had no idea that was coming. I thought his head was going to explode after you nailed him." I couldn't help but laugh as he said that. 

"Thank you for not saying anything to him. I know I kinda screwed it up, but at least I know I can trust you." 

He squeezed my shoulder, "You know I'd do anything for you kid." If he would've told me that a few weeks ago, I would've laughed in his face. But I think we needed to go through some shit to find each other again. Slowly, I fell back asleep in the arms of my brother.

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