fifty two

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Sage P.O.V.

I decided it was best to walk Pony home and prolong me heading back to Tim's place. I knew I was going to be in a world of trouble, but maybe I could sneak in a nap before I went back. Getting next to no sleep between the fight at Buck's and Pony's plea for help, I was nearly asleep on my feet.

All of that seemed to go out the door when I saw Tim through the window of the Curtis household. The talk I had with Tim the night of the rumble popped into my head. I slowed Pony down a bit and said, "Whatever you do, don't start yelling. Darry is going to be upset, but yelling back is only going to make things worse. He is going to feel like he failed you and that is going to be projected into anger. Trust me on this."

Pony nodded his head, looking more nervous than I had ever seen him. Who knew how everyone was going to react when we walked back in there. With so much loss and anger going around, it seemed like anyone could snap and do something they were later going to regret.

Like Pony's nature walk this morning.

A hand squeezed my shoulder, and I looked over to Pony. "Why are you nervous, Sage? You're bringing me back. I figured the gang would be grateful for that."

And he was right. But something about this seemed off. Tim being there was like a sign that I needed to turn around and walk the other way. He tolerated the Curtis's and nothing more. Even his worry for me only goes so far.

I wasn't able to give it anymore thought when Soda came flying out of the house, yelling for Pony. The rest of the gang slowly followed suit, walking out into the yard to see Pony for themself. Soda and Darry had him wrapped in a hug, similar to what went down at the hospital, but Darry pulled away quickly.

"You and I are going to have a serious talk later about what you did." I held my breath for Pony's response, but a quick head nod from him had me smiling. The kid listens when he wants.

An arm was draped over my shoulder and Steve was there pulling me into a side hug. "Everything okay?"

I sighed and leaned into him. "It will be." He pulled me closer, and I closed my eyes, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Tired?" I hummed in response and felt him chuckle. "Why don't you head inside and get some sleep?"

If only it were that easy. "Tim is probably waiting to beat my head in." I felt Steve stiffen at that comment, making me look up at him. "What?"

Steve glanced back over to the house and said, "It might be best if you head back to Tim's place." The warning bells from earlier were going off and a voice I had been avoiding called out, "Where the hell have you been?"

Steve's hold on me tightened some, keeping me locked into his side. My brother was standing in the doorway looking the worst he has ever been. Crutches were holding him up, but he was standing on both feet making me wonder just how weak he was. A bandage covered the side of his head, and I could see another one peeking out from beneath his collar. He was paler than usual, which was something I didn't think was possible. But the dark bags under his eyes were a dead giveaway. And even in his fragile state, I wanted nothing more than to slap him across the face.

The mood in the yard had shifted from the joy of having the youngest Curtis back in one piece, to uneasiness. Eyes were going back and forth to see who was going to make the first move and a few others had moved closer to stop anything physical from happening. Not like my brother could do much, but I think they were more concerned about me.

I glanced over to Tim and realized he was here because my brother was out. He had to of known I would bring Pony back here. But was he here to help Dallas or to help me? The look he gave me told me nothing, but I couldn't expect much from him. This was his best friend and most chances were, I came second to that. How many people here would welcome him back with open arms, not caring about what he tried to do? What he almost succeeded in?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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