chapter 14

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"Where are you going?" I had come in on my mom and dad. 
"Spain," I said. I had come in, interrupting my parents, and their movie that they were watching.
"What for?" My mom followed me up the stairs to my room.
"David left town and adopted mom wants me to go get him. Plus, I'm the only one who knows which part of Spain he's going to."
"Well, be safe." She left and finished her movie, downstairs, with my dad.
"Just like a child."
I packed a back bag, not knowing when, or if I'll be back here.
"Jessica, hurry up," Michael said.
I ran downstairs to grab my passport, and mom handed me $200,000.
"Thanks," I told mom
"No problem. Be careful."
"Alright, mom."
I left my house, and I got into my only car. Michael was already in the car.
"Ready?" he asked.
"Yeah, let's go."
He turned my car on and drove away from this small town, 
Knowing, I'll most likely will not returned, I asked Michael to make a pit spot.
We arrived at Jackie's, my best friend's, house. I walk to the door, and I knocked on it. "Hey" Jackie answered the door.
"What's going on?" She noticed Michael, in the car.
"David's in trouble and like always, I'm the only one to get him."
"So, you came here for?" 
"I wanted to apologize."
"For what?" She had her arms crossed listening to me.
"Everything. From being a bitch to you, to being such a jerk. You'll always be my best friend."
I could see tears in her eyes. She grabs my arm and pulls me into a hug. 
"Jessica, I'm sorry to far not always understanding."
"It's alright." I hugged her back.
"Jess, we have to go," Michael called from the car. 
"Coming," I let Jackie go. "I'll call you when I'm home after all of this."
She smiled, "Alright, good luck, Jessie." 
I waved at her. 
"You do realize you might not come back."
"Yeah, I know"
I looked out the window, while Michael drove to the airport. 'David, why can't I ever just be happy without you?' I thought.
"Jessica, wake up." Michael was shaking my shoulder. "We're in Madrid."
"Oh," I got up and realized I wasn't in a plane but in a car. "How did I...?"
"I carried you."
"Oh. Thank you." I got out of the car realizing we are some where different than before. "Michael?"
"Where are we?"
"My house," he said, shutting the car door.
"I thought we..."
"That we were going to the Royal Castle? Yeah, me too. However, King Cody called and said to come here. I assume that he dropped off David here."
" Alright," I follow him inside the house. "Will you allow me to see him?"

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