Chapter 13

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Michael couldn't stop me. David couldn't stop me. I was going to Sarah no matter what. If she wanted immortallity, than she can get it. If she needs me, than she'll get me.
I arrived at the park, alone. I walked to the middle playground, and I grabbed my phone out of my pants pocket. 
I called David.
"Hey," I said.
"Don't come here." 
"I'm not." 
"Where are you, then?"
"I'm in the park."
"Jessica, no, why?"
"Sarah loves you. Isn't that why she wants immortallity?"
"No, she wants to be one of us because her ex. She wants to kill her him, but she wants to do it by drinking his blood. That's why she was with me, to get to you."
"Well, It's to late."
"I'll be fine." 
"Jessica, please, you still have time." 
I, then, saw Sarah coming forward. "It's to late.I love you always and forever, David."
I hunged up on him and walked towards to Sarah. She didn't know I knew what David told me. Maybe I can use this information on her. 
"Where's David?" I said pretending that she had him to begin with. 
"Over there." I followed her hand, which was pointed at a young man.
"Jessica," he said, "help me!"
I looked at him. He really did look like the real David. I ran to him without remembering what happen just a few moments ago on the phone. 
I grabbed his face, "Why are you here?"
"Sarah called wanting me to go to the movies, and she had someone knock me out."
"Well, why did you say you would go with her?"
He looked at me, "You know."
"Know what? That your not David? Yeah, I know."
Sarah came around the fake David. "Well, I guess my plans are ruin."
"Not really," Michael said, coming out of the shadows.
"Michael, isn't it grand to see you," said the fake David.
"As you, my dear friend, Gary.
Then, the fake David looked like a new person. "It's not nice to use magic for your girlfriend's purposes?" 
"Well, I didn't think a Royal Guard would be out do late."
"As you can see, I'm here with the lady, which means the Royals already have the god Sacrifice. That be said," he looked at Sarah. "You will not become a vampire, but you'll die tonight." 
Michael grabbed Sarah's hand and pulled her to his mouth. Right as he put his teeth on her neck. Gary started shouting, "No, please. Let her go!"
Michael let her go, and she immediately ran to Gary, "Don't ever try to get a God Sacrifice."
Sarah and Gary ran away. 
"Now, what?"
"Here," he handed me his cell phone.
"Jess, you're alright. Thank god."
"David," I said, in relief.
"I'm coming home."
"Please do."
"I will."
Michael took the phone away and talk to David so fast I couldn't hear what they were saying. Right before I asked him what was going on he said, "Pack your bags."
"We're going back to Spain."

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