Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

“Michael?” I looked at him. He had brown hair, but that wasn't that stood out on him. His eyes, they were so red. It looked like I was starring in a pile of blood. He must of hunted humans on his way from Spain.

The Royals lived in Spain from what David told me, but why would only Michael show up. Wait! I know, he came because he's the Royal's guard leader. Oh no, he must know I know by now. Am I going to die now?

“Yes my dear I was wondering if you know who David Vanders is?”v

I looked straight into his eyes. “No, sir. I don't know a David.”

“Jessica?” David was calling me from way up front, of the mall. I looked in his direction.

“Jessica? That's your name?” I turned my eyes back onto Michael.

“Yes, sir.”

“Well, then, you know who that is?”

I knew I should've told the truth. “No, sir.”

“Then, should I tell him to stop calling for you?”

“No, sir, but can get me out of here?”

He looked at my face, tears were coming down it. “Jessica? Are you alright?”

“Jessica?” David said in relief. “I was looking for you. I'm sorry, but Sarah's just a friend. I didn't mean any of it and I'm truely sor...” He stopped mid-sentence. He looked at Michael, who was standing in front of me. “Michael?”

“David, I have business to discuss with you, but first, this lady needs to get home. I'll meet you in the park at 11.”

“That's Jessica, and she's my girlfriend. I'll take her home,” David said, reaching pass Michael to get to me.

“I'm not your girlfriend,” I screamed and ran away from both of them.

What's wrong with me? I'm like an emotional wreck, but than again I always have been. I ran so fast. I was crying, in the process of running. I triped on a rock and falled down. My knee started to bleed and I couldn't stop crying.

“Poor Jessica,” Michael said, walking closer to me. “I'm sorry I'm late,” He reached for my hand. I took his and he pulled me up into his arms. “Are you okay?”

He steamed very nice and cool. I he had that glow around him, or more like, this feeling was more wonderful than ever. I never felt this way with David. I guess, I like Michael, even if I just meet him today.

“Yeah,” I used my sleeve to wipe my tears away. “My house is around the corner.”

“Alright. Let me take care of yoour knee first.” We stopped by the store, and he bought two band-aids. He pulled me outside and sat me down on a bench. “Here you go,” he said, putting on the band-aids. I smiled. I was very thankful that he did that for me.

“Tha...Than...Thank you.”

“Your welcome.” He grabbed my hand he walked me home.

On the way to my house, we talked about everything. He knew I knew he was a Royal. He said that it was fine, since I'm a good girl. When we got to my house, he said, “Jessica, you are so beautiful and don't let anyone tell you anything different.” Then, he kissed me. That night I had a lot to think about.

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