chapter 11

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I felt a little dizzy. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I got to feel better. I’m in a room full of vampires. The Royal Guard was surrounding the king. Really, is the king important?

“Why have you brought this human in my castle?”
“Your Majesty, this is Jessica Adams.”
“This human doesn't need my attention. Josh, kill her now.”
“No,” a women in an old fashion dress came out from behind the Queen’s Chair. “She must not be hurt or touched.”
Josh backed away from me. “My Lady,” Michael said. “Why have you come in to the ruling chambers?”
“I overheard you saying that her name is Jessica Adams. Is that correct?”
“Yes, it is.”

She looked at me, “Jessica.
I nodded.
“She must be knocked out immediately.” Michael knocked me in the head, and I don’t know what happen after that.

The next thing I knew, I was in my bed. Michael must have taken me home. I sat up to find out that David was right there.
“I’m sorry; I didn't mean to wake you.”
“David? What happen?”
“Michael said you passed. He took you home, and he called me to come see if you were alright.”
“Well, I’m perfectly fine, so you can go home.”
“No. I wanted to make sure I told you about Sarah.”
“That’s none of my business.”
“I wasn't cheating on you.”
I looked at him, “Why did you go to the mall with her?”
He touched my cheek. “I’m so sorry about that. She asked me to help her with something.”
I pushed his hand away, “That doesn't prove anything.”
“Jessica, I swear, I didn't do anything.”
“It doesn't matter. I’m not dating you anymore, so it doesn't matter.”
“David just go home.” Then, my door opened so fast. “Dad!!”
“Why the hell is David in here?”
“He isn't.”
Dad looked at the window and saw nothing. David had went poof like he always does.
“I thought I heard you talk to him.”
“Yeah, through the window. He’s gone now, so you can leave me alone Dad.”
“Do you want talk about it?”
“Alright,” he said, leaving my room.
I couldn't help it. I had to cry. With all of these events happening, who wouldn't cry? I thought about everything from the Royals, Michael, and David. I mean I believe David. I just can’t handle the pain anymore. I love David, so maybe I’ll give him a second chance.
I grabbed my phone and called David. “Hello?”
“David, can you come over?”
“Jessica, I’m so sorry.”
I heard the phone being past to someone else. “Hello, my dear Jessica.” 
“Who’s this?”
“His girlfriend,” she said.
“That will be Mrs. Vanders to you.”
“What have you done with David?”
“Nothing, I just have him in my house, chained to my bed.”
“Let him go.”
“Ok, come to the address that I’ll text you. You must come alone or he will die and be gone forever.”
“Fine, I’ll come.”
“Excellent,” she said, hanging the phone up.”
I got the text to meet her at a park, the park where David and I reunited. I guess I had no choice but to go.
I grabbed my car keys and rushed out the door. When of a sudden, I bumped into someone.
“Michael?” Then, I knew this wasn't going to be pretty.

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