Chapter 5 | Misunderstanding Pt.2

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"Tomioka, why do you have a second set of uniform" Kocho suddenly asked as they were walking towards the village where they planned to have dinner.

Generally, demon slayers would just get one set of uniform until it got worn out or damaged.

Tomioka pretended he didn't hear her, hoping that would stop her from trying to talk to him. Unfortunately, that did more harm than good.

"Tomioka-san" Kocho's voice rang up again "Tomioka-san~ are you there? Why aren't you talking to me?" "Tomioka-san~"

Deciding that keeping quiet wasn't going to get him the peace he desired, he decided to do the next best thing – to keep answers short and simple.

"I grew out of it too quickly" he answered, admitting defeat to Kocho's constant pestering. "I haven't had a chance to return it yet."

"Oh! So you're still-" closing his eyes, he already knew what she was going to say, but those words never came. Huh? He turned around to see Kocho on edge, ready to pull out her blade at any time.

"Tomioka, it looks like dinner will have to wait" she said quietly.

All of a sudden Tomioka felt it too, a weird pressure in the air, he was getting chills from it. He looked at Kocho, she sensed it before him?

Looking around he couldn't quite make out the direction of where the demon was, if it couldn't even completely conceal its scent then it must not be a high-level demon, but it wasn't a low-level demon either considering he couldn't quite pinpoint its exact location with all the people around.

He felt Kocho tense up behind him, where was it? He knew that the problem here was that the demon was in the village, even if they pin-pointed the exact location of the demon, they wouldn't be able to dispose of it without making a scene.

Suddenly, Kocho who was behind him the whole time walked forward past him, he saw her swiftly remove her blade from the cloth bag. Unsheathing her blade, her motions were so quick that before he knew it, she had sheathed her blade again with the utmost grace. Her motions almost comparable to the landing of a butterfly – swift and elegant.

The demon in question noticed her actions and froze for a second, upon realising that its head was still intact, a skin crawling smile formed on its face. Tomioka knew what it was thinking, as he watched Kocho run in the opposite direction of the crowd, luring it to the outskirts of the village where there was less people.

It must've thought it was his lucky day, facing Kocho, a demon slayer who could not decapitate a demon.

By the time Tomioka made his way to where Kocho was, she was already standing there, staring at the demon who was still jumping around 2 minutes ago, now dead. Her eyes filled with a rage he had never seen before.

Noticing Tomioka's arrival, she quickly returned back to her usual smiling self. Making Tomioka think what he just witnessed was an illusion.

"Tomioka-san~ it looks like it'll be a bit late for dinner, shall we just head back?" Tomioka was met with Kocho's perfect smile yet again, but somehow, he could now see a sense of uneasiness in her eyes that wasn't reflected in her words and voice.

Tomioka nodded in agreement.

Well, he ended up getting the information he had hoped to get out of having dinner with her anyway, albeit in a more practical form.

But he couldn't seem to shake off this feeling of wanting to know more about her. He wondered how it was physically possible to harbour such grace and elegance when killing a demon. Each of her moves, although beautiful, was also efficient and deadly.

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