Chapter 6 | Mission

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Early mornings and midnight lights,

turned into a longing for the other.

Are you alone?  Are you alright?

Two people, so close yet so far at the same time.


Tomioka and Kocho both expected to be doing joint missions from today onwards, so they were extra surprised when the news came.

Standing on his balcony enjoying the peaceful morning silence, Tomioka heard the balcony door from next door open. Kocho was slightly taken aback at how early he was up, it was only 5 am after all.

"My, good morning Tomioka-san, up early today?" Kocho asked knowing she wouldn't get a reply "I wonder what mission we'll be going on today" she hummed happily to herself.

Tomioka looked at her, she wasn't dressed in her usual demon slayer outfit. Instead, she was dressed in a blush pink kimono that fitted her nicely, making her look even daintier than she was already. She was looking out into the distance, watching the sun slowly peek through the hills, he turned back and copied her actions of watching the sun rise.

In the distance, they saw a Kasugai Crow approaching. Recognising that it was her crow, Kocho reached out her arm towards it. The action was mesmerising against the rising sun, and Tomioka couldn't help but stare. Unsure what he felt just now, he turned back once again before Kocho noticed.

"Head south, head south. There is something lurking in the shadows of a village there."

"Oh? A solo mission?" She looked over to Tomioka who looked equally as confused. Well, not that she minded, even though she was also curious about Tomioka's swordsmanship, they'll always have other opportunities. She petted her crow "I guess I better get prepared to leave then" smiling at the male next door, she took her leave.

"Come back safe" Tomioka said quietly, but it didn't escape Kocho's ears. Without stopping, she smiled and stepped back inside.

"You too."

Soon after, Tomioka received notice of a mission as well, and just like that 2 months passed by.


It was weird, Kocho thought, that even though they lived next door, they saw each other so little. They had barely seen each other since that day 2 months ago on the balcony. Yes, they caught glimpses of each other heading out to a mission or coming home from one, but there was little to no interaction between the two.

She couldn't say that she missed him, but she certainly felt like an there was an itch that was unsatisfied. She couldn't wait to pester him again over random things.

On a more serious note however, she didn't hate the way things were currently. It was somewhat comforting lying in bed and hearing his door open as he came home from a mission. Like right now, after coming home from a mission at 1am, Kocho was preparing to rest when she heard the sound of Tomioka's door open and close, indicating his safe arrival back home. A smiled formed on her face, unlike back at the Butterfly Mansion, where she often came home to a quiet house where everyone was sound asleep, the inhabitants of the Black Estate were all Pillars. Everyone had irregular work schedules, and more often than not, when Kocho arrived back to the estate there was someone wandering around either back from a mission or about to head out to one. She heard some sort of tapping on the glass door that led to her balcony, so she got up and went to check.

Her crow was outside, trying to find a way to get inside. She opened the door to let it in, "head out north with the Water Pillar at sunrise tomorrow" the crow screeched, Kocho petted it and fed it some breadcrumbs before letting it fly away back into the darkness of the night. It was good timing to go let Tomioka know, as he had just arrived back home, she thought to herself.


A/N: YES my first short chapter! Guys are you proud of me XD 
Self-control at its finest ahahah, but anyway - I'm probably gonna upload again in a bit. So look forward to that!
Thanks as usual, to those who left a comment. I literally can't express how much those comments keep me going - y'all are the best.
Until next chapter <3

This is the end of the chapter.
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