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"So girl, how's things been?" Tania sips on her margarita.

We are currently at my house pool. We had a swim and now we're both sun-drying.

I take a cherry into my mouth and shrug.

"Fine. Nothing really exciting to talk about" I lay back down on the pool bench.

"Do you guys even talk?"

"Yeah sure we talk but not long. Just the usual hi's and hello's here and there"


Is she serious?

"Well because we are both so busy that we barely stay at home. I've got business deals, meetings and other stuff in both Dark Enterprise and Dovine Internationals and besides, I don't wanna talk to him" I sip my margarita too.

"Wow. It's been what, a month and you guys are still on hi's and hello's"

"This is not a real marriage Tania" I remind her.

"And I'm still heart-broken from my break up with Trey"

She nods taking off her glasses.

"I understand"

We stay out for a bit more then we both head back inside putting on robes.

We go through the back door and immediately see Jacob going upstairs. He sees us and halts his steps.

Jacob and Tania have met before at the wedding so it's not really awkward.

"Hey Tania. It's great seeing you here"

Tania blushes when Jacob smiles his 'drop dead cause I'm gorgeous' smile.

I roll my eyes at them.

"Yeah it's great seeing you too Jacob. How are you?"

I leave them to their conversation and go to the kitchen grabbing some left over pasta that Amelia made from the fridge and warming it up.

I walk to the dining table eating on my way there. I finish up my food and Tania still hasn't arrived.

I leave the kitchen hearing laughter from the sitting room.

Oh great!

Tania and Jacob are deep in conversation and Tania is hanging on to his every word.
Looks like they both went upstairs to change then came back here.

Watching the way Jacob spoke with Tania irritated me.

I made my way upstairs without them seeing me and went to take a shower then changed to shorts and a top.

I go back downstairs and those two are still talking!

Who would have thought Jacob Dovine is a talkative?

"Ahem" I announce my presence and they both turn to look at me.

"Tania it's getting a bit late" I try to not sound irritated.

She checks her watch and her eyes widens.

"Oh shoot. You are right Anny. Time flies by when you are having fun" she turns to look at Jacob giving him a smile.

"Can we continue this chat over lunch tomorrow on the terrace? " he asks hopefully.

Tania beams at him. "Yeah sure"

I stand there shifting my jaw and looking upwards as they make arrangements to meet again.

"Alright then. Night Jacob."

"Goodnight Tania"

Tania smiles at me as we walk to the front door.

"He's such a sweetheart and so fucking hot damn!" She says once we are outside.

"Yeah whatever" I say not meeting her gaze.

"What's with the mood Ann?"

I sigh looking at her. "Nothing T"

"I smell jealousy. Are you jealous?" She nudges me playfully.

I give her a bored look and she just laughs.

"I'll see you tomorrow" she waves.

"You mean you'll see him tomorrow" I say under my breath waving at her.

She enters her car and drives off.

I get back inside and Jacob is still seated watching tv.

I noticed he was early today. Not that I'm monitoring his moves or anything.

I ignore him as usual going up the stairs.

"Your friend is pretty nice" his voice stops me in my tracks.

I turn to face him and give him my fakest smile.

"Yeah she is" I try so hard to sound rude.

"What's your problem?" He asks fixing his gaze on me.

I'm fuming inside for reasons I don't know.

"You are my problem Jacob! We had a deal to stay out of each others business" I try to keep my voice calm.

"I'm not in your business" he replies calmly.

"Well actually you are. Tania is my business and you involved with her is my business!"

He gets up and walks up to me.

"Now who's meddling in another's business? Who I do or do not get involved with is my business and I'd appreciate if you keep your nose out of it"

That's it.

I raise my hand and slap him then. 

Tired of all his bullshit. Tired of the way he talks to me. Tired of everything!

The look in his eyes causes me to realize what I've just done.

Oh my god!

He looks so angry.

He takes a step towards me and I take one back.

"Jacob I-I'm"

He holds a hand up to silence me.


"Let's forget that happened. Stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours" with that he walks past me.

I stand there still not believing what I did.

It's not entirely my fault. He provoked me!

I sink down on the stairs taking in deep breaths.

He looked so angry making me unbelievably hot. I was turned on and I don't know why.

What's happening to you Leigh?

I get up and call for Amelia to make dinner.

After that I head to my room and lay on the bed repeating everything that happened in my head waiting for Amelia to announce dinner was ready.


Short chapter. I'm sorry about that but don't worry today's a double update and you'll get to know what's really happening in Leigh's head. I hope y'all don't think the book is fast paced?

Question: Do you think Leigh-Ann was jealous?

Please comment, vote and share. Let's get reads on this book guys!♡

P.S: 'No Love For The Lonely' by Ariana Grande and Ed Sheeran was on repeat on this chapter lol.  :)


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