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One month later...

"Thank you" I say to my P.A who closes the door behind her as she leaves.

A few weeks after I returned from the hospital. I decided to get back to work which I remembered how to do.

It surprised both my parents and Jacob.

I'd found out that Jessica Harper, the girl I remembered as a friend was actually a friend of mine who ended up travelling to Africa on a project to feed the poor.

My parents told me that I was aware of that already but I just couldn't remember.

I didn't tell anyone about the man who came into my hospital room yet.

I also told the doctor to keep it between the both of us after he told me there wasn't anyone in my room when the security checked the camera footage.

I still want to remember who the man is by myself first.

My hair had grown a bit and now I've got a shoulder length bob.

Jacob on the other hand has been nothing but sweet to me. Always making sure I had all my three square meals and take my medication.

I also found out that I had a boyfriend.

Troy? I forgot his name.

Tania, the girl who claims to be my best friend told me that this Troy guy never came to visit me at the hospital or call to check up on me.

She also said she never liked him in the first place.

So I've officially labeled this Troy guy an asshole.

Tania and I get along so well. I got to know her boyfriend Miguel who is also Jacob's best friend.

I also had short flashbacks of the both of us and little things I would remember that we did together.

The day I told her I remembered her favorite colour, indigo, she was ecstatic.

I check my watch, it's past nine. Jacob should be here by now.

He's taken to driving me to and from work and I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm enjoying it.

I finish up with some documents on my desk and type them out on my computer.

There's a knock on the door and I don't even look up.

"Come in" I continue typing.

The door opens and I've still not taken my attention off the screen wanting to finish this on time.

When a minute passes and I've not heard a sound, I look up and find Jacob leaning by the door with his arms folded, watching me.

"That busy I see" he smiles and I blush.

I won't lie. I've started liking Jacob.


Even after all the things I've heard and read about him I can't deny my growing feelings for him.

"No not really. I can finish the rest of these at home" I stand up packing all my stuff.

"Can I help you with your bag?"

"No. I've got it"

He nods and gestures for me to exit before him.

"Goodnight Roselle" I tell the receptionist and she smiles as a response.

I really don't remember her but she told me her name, again, the first day I resumed back to work.

It turns out the accident was on the news and many people know about my amnesia now.

It's a bit embarrassing.

We get home and I head straight to the shower and soon get dressed.

My muscles ache from today's work but I'll never admit it to anyone.

"Dinner is ready" Amelia, the help that tends to my needs in the house announces.

Unfortunately I don't remember her too.

I head downstairs, finding Jacob already seated. He smells like strawberries and I can't help taking in more of his scent.

We are having lasagna and once I take a spoon the taste is so familiar that I know I've had my fair share of lasagna before.
I notice the whole time I'm eating, Jacob is watching me and it makes me nervous.

I finish up my dinner and place my dish in the sink. As I turn to head straight to my room, I bump into someone.

Jacob was just coming to place his dish in the sink too.

The impact was not hard enough to hurt but hard enough for me to remember.

"Well, can you get out of my way?" He says in this deep baritone.

"Do you speak English? I said move"

Suddenly I'm irritated. Who's this asshole?

"Sorry" I move out of the way to let Mr Douchebag pass. He just rolls his eyes after giving me a once over and walks past me.

"We've met like this before" I say after I've recovered from the memory.

I heard him calling my name the whole time I was reliving that moment but I ignored him not wanting to let the memory fade.

"What?" He looks confused.

"I've bumped into you before" I clarify.

A smile appears on his face.

"You remember! " he says happily.

"Yeah" I blush slightly.

"You were an asshole. I nicknamed you Mr Douchebag" I say remembering that tiny detail.

He laughs running his hand through his hair. I noticed he liked doing that and I find it incredibly sexy.

"What else do you remember?"

"I'm sorry that's all I remember"

He nods, a smile still playing on his lips.

"Why don't you get some rest now. I'll see you in the morning"

"Um alright. Goodnight Jacob"

"Goodnight Leigh-Ann"

I get to bed and lay down. Willing my mind to sleep.

I change positions and try again.


Why am I so god damned hot?

I sit up removing my night gown then lay back down. I close my eyes but still can't seem to sleep.

My mind keeps going back to thoughts of Jacob.  How I enjoy watching him laugh. How he's so handsome it hurts to look at him sometimes.

How did I ever dislike this guy?

He's perfect.

Eventually, I fall asleep with thoughts of Jacob on my mind.


Hi! How's everything going? Hope y'all are enjoying the story?

Question: Do y'all have a clue on who Mr Anonymous is yet?

Please vote and don't forget to comment. I'd love to know your thoughts.

Thank you!

P.S: there's gon' be a bit of steam in the next chapter so brace yourself  :)


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