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"Let's do another shot"

I shake my head at Tania. We've already had four shots and we've barely been here an hour.

The party is in full swing. Sweaty bodies moving against each other to the beat of some new song that just came out.

"Your loss" she says then takes a shot.

Her fifth shot to be exact.

"Lets dance".

She pulls me towards the sea of moving bodies and starts moving her body to Work  by Rihanna and Drake.

I join her moving my waist seductively on her while she throws her hands up letting the beat move her body.

We dance together for a while.  Tania is oblivious to the few stares we were getting from other people on the dance floor.

After some time, I get tired. My feet ached from all the pressure I put them in.

I pull Tania towards the bar before the next song came up.
I take a shot of tequila and wince.

Damn that was strong.

"So you having a good time?" Tania shouts over the music.


"You know, that guy over there has been totally checking you out" she says pointing to the other side of the bar.

I take a look at the guy. Dirty blonde hair with handsome features.

"Not my type" I sip the martini that the bartender just served.

"Whatever" Tania says while feeding her eyes on some guy on the dance floor.

"Ma'am this came for you. From that guy over there" the bartender says sliding a drink over to Tania.

We both look to where the bartender pointed and it was the same guy Tania thought was checking me out.

"Guess it was you all along T" I giggle.

"Hmm he's cute" she sends a little wave of her fingers to him. His smile broadens and I roll my eyes.

  "T, I gotta pee" I get off the stool and Tania does the same.

I turn around to the direction of the restrooms when my forehead bumps a hard chest.

I look up at the person to apologize but the apology gets caught up in my throat.


Definitely tall

I had to crane my head up to look at him.


Of course he's handsome.

He looks at me under dark lashes and I can tell from the way his breath fans my face that he's been drinking.

I can't breathe, he's looking at me with those dark eyes and suddenly all the noise around me fades away.

"Well, can you get out of my way?" He says in this deep baritone and I can detect an accent.


Wait, what did he just say?

I blink and all the noise comes back.

"Do you speak English? I said move"

Suddenly I'm irritated. Who's this asshole?

"Sorry" I move out of the way to let Mr Douchebag pass. He just rolls his eyes after giving me a once over and walks past me.

I look back at Tania after staring daggers at the asshole's retreating back and she's staring at me wide eyed.


"That didn't just happen"

"What?" I question again.

She blinks rapidly like she was in a trance then takes my hand and pulls me to god knows where.

We get to the restrooms and she immediately starts talking.

"That was Jacob Dovine."

She looks at me expectantly.
I nod my head slowly like I get what the fuck she's saying.


"So?, so!?" She repeats like I'm retarded.

"So he's New York's Mr Perfect! Hottest bachelor in town, Leigh-Ann. He's America's most wanted and I don't mean criminally, I mean sexually.  Which straight woman would pass up a night with a real life Adonis like him huh?"

She asks rhetorically and I just shake my head rolling my eyes.

"Well maybe other women including you Tania but count me out. Yeah sure he's got killer good looks but I'm not interested in assholes"

I lean on the sink turning my back to the mirror. All thoughts of peeing totally dismissed.

"Hmm yeah you right. Some girls did describe him as your modern-day Darcy at my get-together last week, you know, rich, attractive with a stinking attitude. Can't say I blame him though"

Tania leans next to me.
It's silent between us before a question pops into my head.

"How do you know so much about him when I'm just hearing about him for the first time?" I ask with furrowed brows.

"Beats me"

"Is there any other thing I should know about Mr Douchebag?"

"Haha good one and yeah, he's thirty-one and currently single" she wiggles her brows and I scoff.

"I didn't need to know that last part. I'm in a relationship remember?"

"Eh yeah" she says with a funny look on her face.

"What? What's with the look?"

"Hm nothing. You know I've never liked Trey right?"

"C'mon T, what offence has he ever committed against you?"

"Existing. Now lets get out of here it's stinks"

I roll my eyes for the hundredth time today and follow her out.

The rest of the night was spent on the dance floor. Tania scored a few phone numbers while I had to turn down offers.

Trey had called me at some point but I hadn't noticed until I checked my phone.

I'll call him tomorrow.

I check the time and notice it is getting too late.

"Tania we gotta go" I shout over the music at Tania who is chatting away with some random stranger.

"Okay Miguel I'll call you" she says to him and he smiles at her giving her a hug.

Pshh if only he knew how many guys she used that line on tonight.

"Where to ma'am?" Tom, my personal driver asks once we exit the club.


The ride is short and immediately we get in both Tania and I fall on my bed and black out.


Short chapter. I apologize for that but the next chapter will be longer with a bit of va va voom.
Also, am I the only one who loves Tania or what?

Question: What can you say about Jacob Dovine's attitude?

Don't forget to vote and leave a comment. Your comments motivate me to keep uploading.

Thanks y'all!

P.S: I was half awake while writing this. Haha


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