ch.3: true feelings

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Later that week everybody walks in Abby's and Savannah's room but Claire she's watching Sabrina and immediately Savannah starts having flashbacks of her and Abby in this room

'The day that i have been not looking forward to for along time' Savannah says

'I bet' Ava says

'And she told you before she pass away to donate all of her clothes' Amanda says

'Yeah, that i won't to look at them and be sad about looking at them' Savannah says

'Smart idea' Ava says

'Where's Claire at?' Savannah asks

'Oh Sabrina is being clingy to Claire so she's staying with her i breast feed before i left so hopefully that ties Sabrina over until we get done' Ava says

'Well if it was ok with Sava they could have came up here and stayed until we got done just in case you to breast feed her again' Amanda says

'Yeah i wouldn't mind you have to take care of your no matter what, not saying you guys don't because you guys do, I'm saying that you have to balance doing something and taking care of Sabrina, I'm going to shut up because I can't tell you how to take care of Sabrina' Savannah says, they laugh

'No i get what you're saying motherhood wasn't what we thought it was going to be' Ava says

'Moms make it look easy but it takes a lot of effort to raise and take care of kids' Savannah says

'text Claire to come over' Amanda says

'Got it' Ava says, she does that, Claire walks in holding a sleeping Sabrina

'How's it going?' Claire asks

'It's going to pretty good we got like what five trash bags filled' Ava says, Claire looks at the pile of clothes on the bed

'What those over there?' Claire asks

'Abby left me a list of clothes to keep because her mom bought them for her and since her mom passed away before Abby did, she wants me to keep them' Savannah says

'She took pictures too, so it would be easier for us to get them' Amanda says

'Ahhhh' Claire says

'How's she doing?' Ava asks, Claire looks down at Sabrina and smiles

'She's doing fine, hasn't woken yet since you feed her, she's breathing though because I can feel her breath on my chest' Claire says

'That and her lip is twitching which means she's dreaming' Amanda says

'Hopefully good dreams' Savannah says

'Why you say that Sava?' Claire asks

'Mom always said that when I would nightmares as a baby' Savannah says

'Oh yeah I remember her saying that' Claire says

'Hey Sava can we take a break and have lunch, it's almost one' Amanda says

'Yeah of course, I didn't know it was that late, what does everybody want to eat?' Savannah asks

'Whatever you have around' Ava says

'Ok, sounds good' Savannah says

'Um Amanda can i talk to you for a minute alone?' Ava asks

'Yeah, sure, we'll meet you guys down there' Amanda says

'Ok' Claire says

Claire looks at Ava like what are you up to now, her and Savannah leaves with Sabrina of course, once Ava hears them get to the bottom of the stairs Ava shuts the door

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