ch. 17: Sabrina's first birthday party 🎂

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One year later

It's Sabrina's first birthday and they are at trampoline place they all kinds of games, they have a pizza and drinks other kinds of food, and cake, gifts, etc

Ava and Amanda are sitting at a table where Ava can keep an eye on Sabrina and Claire, Amanda is holding Elizabeth

'How's Elizabeth doing?' Ava asks, Amanda looks down at Elizabeth and smiles

'She's doing good, finally letting us sleep' Amanda says

'Oh been then done that' Ava says, Amanda chuckles

'Is Savannah coming because Sabrina has been asking her if she's coming or not' Ava says

'She texted a few minutes ago saying that she's on her way' Amanda says

'Ok' Ava says


On the trampoline Sabrina looks at Claire sad

'What's wrong kid?' Claire asks

'Where's auntie Savannah at?' Sabrina asks

'Um...' Claire starts saying

then she turns her head to her right and sees Savannah kissing Elizabeth on the head

'She just showed up' Claire says, Sabrina looks the same way and starts running towards Savannah

'Auntie Savannah!?' Sabrina screams

'Hey kid' Savannah says, she gets on her knees and Sabrina runs into her arms and Savannah hugs her

'Now how come when she does that she goes the opposite direction' Ava says, Amanda chuckles

'Happy birthday kid' Savannah says, Sabrina smiles

'Thank you' Sabrina says

'Well she does have manners' Claire says, she walks up to them

'Not from me that's for sure' Ava says, they laugh, Savannah gets up holding Sabrina

'How's the party going so far?' Savannah asks

'Better since you're here' Amanda says, Ava's phone vibrates, she looks at it

'Abby just texted me saying that they just got here' Ava says

'Before they get here I have to tell you something I don't know about you guys but doesn't Abby look like my Abby or am I going insane?' Savannah asks

'No you're not because Honestly the first time that I meet her in my mind I thought 'man she really looks like Savannah's Abby', I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to make you upset' Amanda says, Ava sees them coming

'I'll tell you guys mine later because here they come' Ava whispers, then they walk up to them

'Well at least I'm not the only one who's late to the party' Savannah says, they laugh

'Yeah well Jessica's work wouldn't let her leave on time so blame them not us' Abby says, everybody is a taken aback from Abby's attitude

'Ok babe you wanna help me with putting the gifts up' Ava says, she gets up

'Yeah sure' Claire says, they take the gifts from Savannah and Jessica, Abby and walks up to the gift table

'Ok is it just me or is that Abby's attitude remind you of Savannah's Abby's attitude' Claire whispers

'That's what I was going to say to you guys later' Ava whispers, Claire looks at her

'Wait are we seriously considering that Savannah's Abby fake her own death?' Claire asks

'Well some times people do that when they want out of a marriage they just disappear and I know what you're going to say why didn't Abby filed for divorce maybe she didn't have the heart to do it' Ava whispers

'Yeah but we're not one hundred percent sure if it is Savannah's Abby or not because they say we all have a twin out there some where' Claire whispers

'Yeah that's true but let's just focus on our daughter's birthday party because this is her day and we can all talk about this tomorrow' Ava whispers

'Right, let's get back' Claire says, they leave and walks back to everybody

'Jessica and Savannah took Sabrina and Reagan onto the trampoline' Amanda says

'Why don't you go join them you haven't been on there yet I can watch Elizabeth for you' Ava says

'Are You sure?' Amanda asks

'Yeah it's no problem' Ava says

'Alright, thank you' Amanda says

'No problem' Ava says, Amanda hands Elizabeth to her, then Amanda gets up and leaves

'Hi baby' Ava says to Elizabeth, she smiles

They enjoy the rest of their time there, eating food and drinking, the cake and Sabrina opened all of her gifts


Later that night Savannah's and Amanda's house Sabrina and Elizabeth are sleeping in Elizabeth's room and the rest of them are in the kitchen and Ava told them what she told Claire at the birthday party

'If this Abby is Savannah's Abby, what would you do babe?' Amanda asks

'I don't know, probably be mad and hurt I really did love her, but like what Ava said why didn't she just filed for divorce' Savannah says

'Probably she didn't want to hurt you anymore and probably the divorce would be the final nail in the coffin' Claire says

'Then again we could be wrong and probably thinking that this is Savannah's Abby because of her name and we're just missing the other Abby and we want her back' Ava says

'I say let's go with that one because I don't want to put you babe in anymore hurt and pain' Amanda says, Savannah smiles

'It's ok because for awhile I always wished that Abby was back in our lives after she died and I do agree with Ava about us probably being wrong, plus we don't want to ambush Abby by saying 'hey we know that our Abby', that wouldn't look right' Savannah says

Until she says that she's Savannah's Abby we have to let it go' Amanda says

'Yeah, sorry sava' Ava says, Savannah smiles

'It's ok, I miss her too' Savannah says, Ava smiles

'Anyways we should probably getting home' Claire says

'If its ok with you babe, you guys can stay the night, I know that your guys house is just right up the street but still it's dark and Sabrina is already sleeping' Amanda says

'Fine by me, up to you guys?' Savannah asks Claire and Ava, they look at each other

'Fine by me, you?' Ava asks

'Yeah we can' Claire says

'Alright' Savannah says, So they all gets ready for bed and then goes to bed

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