Not actual chapter, just an alternate version of the story right now lol.

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I apologize in advance if the grammar/ writing style/ whatever it is seems strange. I'm better at writing in second person than first or third, but first felt more appropriate for this alternate version.

I stared off into the distance, zoning out. Baal was repeating what Ei was saying about the suspects, as I couldn't hear or see Ei's ghost, but I couldn't really pay attention. Something felt off.
At that moment, Barbatos burst in the room, panting. He had his bow in his hand and it was loaded with an arrow. "The old gods are here and they want revenge for the archon war!" He panted again, pointing out the window. "What old gods?" I asked calmly, looking him in the eyes with concern. "The gods who fled during the archon war. They fled to an area outside of our control before the war ended and now they're back for revenge." He looked panicked and flew out of my window right after. As soon as he left, there was a loud boom from far away. Ei and Baal were gone. They mist have gone off to see what they could do in the fight, even if they were only two weakened ghosts. I rushed to the spot where I normally kept my greatsword, but it wasnt there. I shook my head, sighing quickly, and then ran to the case on the opposite wall, which held Ei's old spear and Baal's old sword. I grabbed the spear out of the case and jumped out of the window, spreading my large blue and pink wings just before I hit the ground. I flew to where I saw the fighting, which including giant rocks being thrown from the sky, tornados, giant trees and vines growing out of nowhere, large spouts of rain, mind controlled animals, fire, and all sorta of other things that gods and archons used to fight. I landed and a random, angry god attacked me immediately. I fended them off with the spear, infusing it with electro to keep them away even more. Then, a large barrier of ice formed around the spot I was standing. It was extremely large, and shaped like a dome. Then, a cloud of snowflakes appeared, and, in all of her icy glory, The Tsaritsa walked out of it with a smirk on her face, and behind her, a white winged woman with a skull-like mask and small clouds floating around her. A harbinger. I had no clue which Harbinger however. I looked surprised. "Are you working with the old gods!?" I shouted, putting my spear up in front of me and pointing it at her. The harbinger stepped in front of her and pulled out her own spear in a protective way. "It seems.. you both want to fight. I'll let you you fight them, Nephele. But only for a fair prize, obviously." The Tsaritsa smirked down at the both of you. The ice dome became larger. The Tsaritsa disappeared then re appeared in a chair near ghe top of the dome. "Now. The rules. If the Shogun wins, they get to go with no no consequences and I shall leave their nation alone forever." She looked down at me, smirking. "But, if my Harbinger wins.. the Shoguns gnosis gets taken and I shall continue my attack on their country. Who knows.. maybe I'll even taken them hostage so Morax will give up his gnosis in exchange for the Shoguns life..!" She cackled, looking you in the eyes menacingly. "Why would Morax give away his gnosis in exchange for me? We barely know each other.." I thought, confused. The Tsaritsa began counting down. "5.. 4... 3.. 2..." She looked at me and the Harbinger. "1! Begin!" She yelled, and I jumped over the Harbinger, whacking her with my wings.
The fight must be nearing its end. Nephele hit me with her spear over the head, and I fell to the ground. "Done!" I heard the Tsaritsa yell, trying to get up. She appeared in front of me. "Now... for the consequences." She smiled evilly and grabbed me with her hand. It went straight through my chest, and then she ripped it out along with the gnosis. "Now. Take them and bring them with us.. we have business to attend to." I heard her say, and felt myself being lifted from the ground as my vision faded.

The world tipped sideways, and everything disappeared.

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