Chapter 4 - (Chapter name unsure, will update when sure of a name)

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Sorry for such a long wait on this chapter! I started school recently and before that i almost completely forgot about this, and haven't found time to write until now! 

Anways, hope you enjoy this chapter!! Its a bit more relaxed/ wholesome than the others, and chapter 5 will be similar. The chapters after those will be a bit crazy however, and have a lot of angst/ fighting. Just a warning for like- chapter 6 and so on.

          Even though the resistances attacks were unrelenting on the city, you and Baal somehow found time to do things together, such as buying things from the marketplace and playing board games together. You even went on yout first date in.. how many months has it been? At least 7 months, because of the resistance. If it weren't for them, you would have gone much earlier. Your foot was still healing, but you were alright enough to walk. Kojou Sara was leading your troop for now, until your foot was well enough to fight again, though you still frequently checked on them when there was no fighting.  Baal was quite worried about the healing time of your foot though, injuries like this normally heal faster for you.  You weren't though, it was just a bad injury. The time it takes to heal just depends on how bad it is. 


          "Are you ok in here, Y/N?" Baal poked her head in your room, looking concerned. You hadn't come out all day today, so it was resonable that she was worried. "I'm-" You winced, moving your foot. "I'm fine." You said, trying to hide the fact that your foot was hurting much more than normal today. "Don't lie. I can tell when you are, you're not very good at it,"  She looked dissapointed that you would lie to her.  "Sorry.. my foot just hurts a lot more than normal today.." You winced again, looking at her.  "Let me see it," She said, walking over. "Huh. It seems to look fine.. it doesn't look any worse than yesterday. Thats.. strange.."   She said, looking even more worried.  "I'll be fine. I just must've hit it off of something yesterday, its fine. Nothing to worry about!" You say quickly, pulling your foot back with a wince.

          "You're not fine, Y/N," Baal said angrily, grabbing your hand. "Come. We're going to the healer," She said, trying to lift you off the bed. You pulled your hand away from her. "The healer won't be able to do anything.  It's not a mortal wound!" You shouted, then recoiled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to shout," You said, looking down. "It's alright, I should have known that they couldn't help," She looked a bit sad, but she knew you were right. It wasn't a mortal wound. Your flesh was not human, so human healers couldn't do much. 

          "The ceremony is in a few days. I'm hoping I'll be better by then so you can make the speech with me alonside you," You smiled, being reminded of the ceremony that is held once a year to announce the plans for that years festivals and "changes", though recently there weren't many changes.  Baal had made the speech with you alongside her for thousands of years, it would be strange if your foot wasn't healed enough for you to go with her.

          "Maybe you should rest. You haven't been doing that for a few days now, so it might just be that," Baal interrupted your thoughts gently. "No, I don't need sleep-" You said, but Baal walked over and shushed you. She moved to behind you and pulled you down on the bed. She sat under you and pulled you down into a laying postion, wrapping her arms around you in the process. 

          "You need sleep. I'm not letting you go until you sleep," She said sternly, wrapping her arms around you more. "I said I don't need sleep-" You tried to get up, but you failed. "I can make you sleep, but that would be painful for you and I would rather not electrocute you," She said, looking you in the eyes. "Ugh, fine.." You said sulkily, curling up on top of her to be more comfortable. You do admit, it was quite nice. You felt safe with her, like nothing could hurt you when she was around. You actually fell asleep quite quickly, as it turns out you did need sleep after all.

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