Chapter 13

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After yesterday at Dami's house, I somehow got more attached to him. I would be lying if I said that I don't feel anything special about us. I am even feeling butterflies in my stomach every time he texts, calls or meets up with me, and that has never happened before in my whole life.

I never actually believed that I would even get a minute of Damiano David's time, and now somehow he wants to date me. I think I am living in a dream. SOMEONE PINCH ME PLS!

Every second that I am with him, it just feels that time has stopped and that it's just me and him in the world.


Where am I now? I'm laying in my bed reading a few scripts. My agent wants me to be part of another movie as soon as possible so that my fame will get bigger, I guess. She sent me about seven scripts and I have to choose my favorite one and do an audition next week.

My thoughts were interrupted by a phone call by non other than Damiano, or my boyfriend, if you want to call him that. God, this feels surreal.

I felt butterflies in my stomach as soon as I saw his name on my phone.

"Hi baby" I said while picking up.

"Ciao amore, I have just got out from an interview."

"How was it?" I said, trying to imagine what amazing outfit he wore for this interview. His sense of style is EVERYTHING.

"It was good." He said. He seemed nervous to be honest, I just felt like there was something strange. "Hey, listen, I know you are going to hate the idea but how about we go for dinner tonight?" He said.

"Why would I hate the idea babe? You know I would love to." I said smiling. I do not know why he thought that I will hate the idea of us two going to dinner, I mean we did that before.

"No babe, I know. It's just my friends would be joining us." He said as quickly as possible "They wanted to get to know who I'm dating, you know".

I was absolutely speechless. Sure, I met Vic, Thomas and Ethan a bit during the concert, but it was a long time ago. I mean, what if they don't like me? What if they ignore me for the whole night.

"Oh" was all that came out of my mouth.

"Look babe, I can just tell them you are sick or somethin-" He said on the other end of the phone.

"No no, it will be fine yeah? Sure, let's go. But promise to stay with me all night and not run off and leave me stranded" I said as a joke, sort of. "God, I'm nervous now".

"You shouldn't. They are going to loveee you" Putting an emphasis on the 'love' part. "They already do love you, actually, and besides I'm going to hold your hand all night long ok".

"Okay" I simply said, trying to think of what to wear.

"I'll pick you up at seven then. See you babe". He said before hanging up.

I was simply stunned. The fact that they already know about 'us'. Does he really want us to be that serious? What if they think I'm bitchy and tell Damiano to dump me? Oh shit.


Here is another chapter. Already 13 chapters!

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Kisses xx

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