Chapter 24: Ruan Yingyu

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Ruan Yingyu had gone to change her clothes when Xia Wanyuan was filming yesterday, so she had only seen the last scene.

Today, she stood at the side and watched Xia Wanyuan film the entire scene. She admitted that she could never act with such great emotional outbursts and feelings. If anything, this internal admission made her even more uneasy.

After all, she had worked so hard to get the lead role. What if Xia Wanyuan stole her limelight?

"Excellent, Xiao Xia! You've grasped the role perfectly. Keep it up."

Director Yang had originally only regarded Xia Wanyuan as a pretty face, but he had never expected that it turned out she was so talented. He suddenly felt that he had made a killing, and the way he addressed Xia Wanyuan changed from 'the woman who had brought in funds' to 'Xiao Xia'.

"Yes, Director." Xia Wanyuan nodded slightly at Director Yang.

The scene had already ended, and Qin Wu had also let go of Xia Wanyuan. However, the warmth of her tears still lingered in his hands, like burning droplets into his heart.

Xia Wanyuan went out of character immediately and took the soda from Chen Yun.

"That's great! How are you so good at crying?! That was so amazing." Chen Yun's heart, which had been burned to ashes, was now filled with a field of growing wild grass.

From the looks of it, Xia Wanyuan was truly enlightened. Her tear-stained face had even made him cry. 'It will be eye-opening for the viewers when the drama airs!'

Chen Yun had already started to imagine where he would go for a vacation with his bonus after filming this drama.

"I just thought of the fact that my family went bankrupt and it upset me."

Xia Wanyuan couldn't bring herself to say that she had experienced the pain of losing her country in her previous life, so she could only make up an excuse using the recent matters of the original Xia Wanyuan.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yun somehow became awkward when he heard that. He worriedly consoled Xia Wanyuan, "Don't be too sad. Just focus on filming this drama. It will get better in the future."

He was about to leave when he turned back and touched his head in embarrassment. "Erm, what do you want to eat for lunch? The packed lunch isn't good, so let me buy something else for you."

"Bring me a bowl of baked potatoes then." Xia Wanyuan took a sip of her soda. A strange feeling hit her throat.


Chen Yun was stunned. He looked at Xia Wanyuan for a long time and realized that she was not joking. He then replied, "Alright."

'I guess she must be really broke?!'

Chen Yun muttered in his heart. Otherwise, why would she become so frugal? This was nothing like the Xia Wanyuan who would frequently demand a feast even when filming in the mountains.

But it had to be said that the current Xia Wanyuan was much more approachable.

"Alright. All departments, pay attention. Where's the gaffer? Light Ruan Yingyu up."

Director Yang pointed at Ruan Yingyu. The cameraman and gaffer immediately followed his orders.

The cameras were already set up, but under the props tent, Ruan Yingyu seemed to have not heard Director Yang's words and was immersed in her own world.

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