Chapter 42: Master

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"Daddy, where's Mommy?"

After school, Xiao Bao skipped into the house. He looked around and did not see Xia Wanyuan.

"Stay here and do your homework. Your mother has sprained her ankle, so she's resting. Don't disturb her."

"Huh? Why did Mommy sprain her ankle? Daddy, didn't you protect Mommy well?" Hearing that Xia Wanyuan was injured, Xiao Bao was worried and looked at Jun Shiling reproachfully.


"Do your homework." Jun Shiling's expression turned cold.

"Ok." Xiao Bao sat down reluctantly beside Jun Shiling.

Shen Xiu walked out of the manor. It was only when he returned home and heard his second-year sister muttering to herself that he suddenly recalled seeing a similar picture on her phone.

"Shen Xing, come here."

"Brother, what are you doing? I'm helping my male god in his ranked competitions." Shen Xing was in her adolescence and was madly in love with the popular Best Actor, Yan Ci, as she had her posters plastered everywhere in the house.

"Who was the person you told me about that had an affair with your idol last time?"

"There are many people who want to tie up my husband to hype things up. Which one are you talking about?"

Shen Xing chewed on her gum and gave him a contemptuous look. 'Don't you know how popular my idol is?'

"Shen Xing, you're a girl! Let me tell you one more time. If you call another stranger your husband, I'll cut off your allowance." Shen Xiu had a headache dealing with his younger sister, who was a fan of celebrities in her adolescence.

"Pft." Shen Xing was not convinced, but she did not dare to lose her allowance. She quickly made a face at Shen Xiu.

"The last time you threw your phone in anger." Shen Xiu rubbed his temples.

"Oh, you're talking about that Xia Wanyuan?" Thinking of Xia Wanyuan, Shen Xing recalled how Xia Wanyuan had hooked her arm around Yan Ci's arm in front of so many people back then, causing the phrase "Yan Ci Xia Wanyuan" to be trending on Weibo for three days.

As for someone like Xia Wanyuan, who had been notorious for her misdeeds, there were no fans of celebrities in the entertainment industry who wanted their idol to be associated with her.

Yan Ci had many female fans, and this had completely ignited the anger of her fans and became the final blow to Xia Wanyuan's popularity.

"Show me the photos."

"Don't you know how to search on Baidu yourself? I don't want that woman's photo to appear on my phone. My memory is all reserved for my hus..." Seeing that Shen Xiu was about to flare up, Shen Xing quickly changed her words." It's reserved for the handsome Yan Ci. "

"Hmph!" Shen Xiu didn't want to speak to his sister anymore. If he did, he would be angered to death.

Sitting on the other side of the sofa, Shen Xiu searched for the name Xia Wanyuan in the search bar. The first popular post he uploaded was the Weibo post that had boycotted and accused Xia Wanyuan.

Scrolling down further, he saw Xia Wanyuan's airport photo. Looking at the face he had seen an hour ago, Shen Xiu felt as if he had discovered something incredible.

"Brother, why are you looking at her? Don't tell me you like this woman?! Let me tell you! If this sister-in-law comes in, you won't have me as your sister." Shen Xing leaned over to look at Shen Xiu's phone and happened to see Xia Wanyuan's airport photo on the screen.

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