Chapter 77: Shortlisted for Chinese Arts

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The internet was abuzz, but it did not alarm Xia Wanyuan.

At that moment, Xia Wanyuan was engrossed in the homework Jun Shiling had given her.

Ever since Xia Wanyuan showed her interest in finance, Jun Shiling had told her some international theories. After that, he even gave her some "homework".

Looking at the dense data on the computer, Xia Wanyuan was a little confused. After all, this was the first time she had systematically come into contact with the modern financial system.

But thinking that she was about to take over the Xia family's business, Xia Wanyuan calmed down and looked at it seriously.

"Young Master, this is Miss Xia's new publicity video."

Xuan Sheng's assistant did not know that Xuan Sheng had lost interest in Xia Wanyuan, so he still showed Xuan Sheng everything about Xia Wanyuan.

Although Xuan Sheng was unrestrained and had an unruly personality, he was indeed talented and serious when it came to work.

Xuan Sheng was flipping through the proposal in his hand. Before he could stop his assistant, the latter had already placed the video in front of him.

Xuan Sheng frowned and was about to turn it off when the video played the first time the Heavenly Spirit Princess met Lin Xiao.

The first time Xuan Sheng met Xia Wanyuan was in a video secretly taken from Ruan Yingyu. From the looks of it, that scene should be the one in the video.

However, the video at that time was too dim. After professional lighting, the entire scene became exquisite.

The street lights were heavy as the masked purple-clothed girl glided over. Her intelligent eyes seemed to contain a pool of spring water. When the light shone in her eyes, it was difficult to tell whether the moonlight was more beautiful or her eyes were more beautiful.

The night breeze blew down the little princess's veil. She was as beautiful as jade. When he met the handsome knight's eyes, the little princess's shy expression actually made Xuan Sheng's heart itch.

"Tsk." Xuan Sheng touched the tip of his nose. 'She's so pretty. What a pity.'

He had originally thought that Xia Wanyuan was a snow lotus on the peak of ice and snow. Who would have thought that she was just a canary raised by Jun Shiling? Although this canary was embedded with gold and jade and was indeed beautiful, it was only a canary.

Thinking of this, Xuan Sheng turned off the video. He was too lazy to watch anymore.

He reread the proposal in his hand. Although the head of the Xia family's company did not have much ability, the Xia family's foundation was deep and the head of the Xia family was considered to be average. Hence, he had always been able to bring him stable benefits.

After he had invested the money, he had rarely cared about the Xia family's company. He did not expect that after staying abroad for a while, when he returned, the Xia family was already bankrupt. The money he had invested was also deeply involved and he could not withdraw it.

"Tell the investment department to do an evaluation of the Xia family company and arrange a meeting with the company's representative next week."

"Yes, Young Master."

The assistant stepped forward and took the video board. From Young Master Xuan's expression, he guessed that he had lost interest in Xia Wanyuan. He had thought that Young Master Xuan was serious this time, but his passion had only lasted half a month. However, the assistant only dared to think about these words in his heart.

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