Chapter 46: Wealthy Ranking

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"There's no need. I can do it myself."

Xia Wanyuan felt that Jun Shiling had been acting a little abnormally these few days.

Xia Wanyuan looked up, the water on her hair flowing down her shoulders.

Jun Shiling didn't speak and went to the bedroom to get the hairdryer.

Seeing this, Xia Wanyuan did not decline and moved her body slightly towards the bed. Since it was inconvenient for her to move, it did not matter who helped her.

Jun Shiling's actions were very gentle. Xia Wanyuan only felt a pair of hands gently brushing past her head. The warm wind blew against her ear, making her feel a little sleepy.

Time passed slowly, and Jun Shiling felt that the hair in his hand had slowly become smooth and soft. His large hand passed through his ink-black hair, letting it fly between them.

One or two strands of fragrant hair drifted along the wind to Jun Shiling's chin, tickling him. Jun Shiling's ink-black eyes were deep and unreadable.


After a long time, Xia Wanyuan felt that her head was no longer wet.

"Mm." Jun Shiling turned off the heater, and the soft hair slowly fell from his hand. A strange sense of loss surged in Jun Shiling's heart.

Xia Wanyuan did not have many schedules to begin with, and with her injured leg, she might as well rest in the manor for the next few days. She was so bored that she had to watch several television dramas.

While she was taking her time, the outside world was abuzz with commotion. There were several major incidents.

There had been rumors in the capital city that the young master of the Bo family, Bo Xiao, was going to return after five years, but no one had any definite news. It was only when that arrogant and familiar face appeared at the capital airport that the news was confirmed.

Everyone in the Bo family, who were gossiping and eating melon seeds, could sit there and chat for the entire afternoon. Since Bo Xiao was a lawless person, everyone felt that there was going to be a good show to watch.

Another piece of news was that the global billionaires rankings had come out last year. In China, more than a dozen magnates had entered the top 100 in the world.

Normally, no one would pay attention to this ranking. At most, they would worship and envy it. After all, it had nothing to do with ordinary people.

But this year, the world's tenth most wealthy Chinese man caused an uproar online.

The reason was that the rankings were displayed in photos of the rich.

The name of the man ranked tenth was Jun Shiling.

And in the accompanying photos...

man in a suit seemed to be looking at the camera casually. His dark pupils were deep and the cold glint in his eyes added a sense of coldness. His high nose bridge and well-defined lips made him look strong and determined.

[ Oh my god!!!! This must be the legendary overbearing CEO! ]

[ In a sea of geezers, this person is simply handsome beyond comparison. ]

[ Even if they put him in the entertainment industry, he would still be extremely handsome. Boohoo, Mommy, I want to bear his children. ]

[ God opened a window for him. The window was the huge villa that God had built for him. Boohoo, why is there such a huge difference between people? ]

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